CIHEAM Bari Alumni Network (FTN)


CIHEAM Bari Alumni Network (FTN)

Launched in 2010, Former Trainees Network (FTN) is the Alumni Network of the CIHEAM-Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. It is aimed to build a Mediterranean Community of Practice through Information sharing, knowledge generation, exchange and dissemination. FTN plays a key role the in international higher agricultural education and research in the Mediterranean basin (Ciheam Bari)

Website: http://
Location: Italy
Members: 1
Latest Activity: Dec 3, 2020

Ciheam Bari FTN Press-Reviews insight:
SAVE THE DATE  I Thursday 3rd December 2020 12:00-12:45 PM CET (Brussels Time)
Side-event: Sustainable Food Systems in the Mediterranean #SFSMedPlatform* #OnePlanetNetwork #MediterraneanDiet​  
3rd Global Conference of the One Planet (10YFP) Sustainable Food Systems Programme FAO, CIHEAM, UfM SIDE EVENT Sustainable Food Systems in the Mediterranean ACCELERATING PROGRESS ON THE 2030 AGENDA IN THE CONTEXT OF THE COVID-19 RECOVERY 
Register here:


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Comment by Noureddin Driouech on December 3, 2020 at 12:21am

Who we are

Former Trainees Network (FTN) is the Alumni Network of CIHEAM-Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. The FTN Network is a Mediterranean welcoming; collaborative; helpful; well-connected and well-informed; multicultural and Multilingual; full academic spirit; action-oriented; a good friend and an efficient communicator.

With 20.000 Community members and about 3.000 former students (57 countries: 20 from Mediterranean area and 37 across the world), the Former Trainees Network (FTN) is the hub that connects all alumni to CIHEAM-Bari and to each other. The FTN connects thousands of alumni via communication vehicles (e.g. info letters, newsletters, NewsFlash forum, etc.).

What do we do


  • Update the database of current and past students profile and keep in contact with them in a meaningful manner;

  • Ascertain what impact the CIHEAM-Bari Actions (Training, Research and Cooperation) have on (FS) career evolution and progress, recognition of MSc diploma, Research excellence and scientific outputs;

  • Support the Institute in its goals/mission to educate and give the right level of knowledge to all students.



  • Animation of the network and enhance relations between graduates, MAIB Staff professionals, Researchers, students and visiting experts/lecturers.
  • Ensure strong relationships between the graduates (current, new graduates and former students



  • Promote the Institute in the professional Mediterranean area and the world Networks and within the students Institute, Organisation or companies;

  • Ensure that alumni are well-informed about latest Ciheam Bari activities and facilitate links and mutual contacts.


Thanks to our local ambassadors and key connectors ( Steering Committee composed by 13 volunteers from 11 countries LINK), the FTN organizes and encourage professional, social and corporate events gathering graduates across their country.






Members (1)


Donate !

We all get a great deal out of our engagement in KM4Dev. Maybe you would be happy to express appreciation through a regular voluntary contribution. Crowd funding works! 

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note if the donate link above does not work for you, click here on donate! and at the bottom of that page click on the donate logo



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