KM4Dev Nairobi

KM4Dev people based in Nairobi

ways forward

Dear KM4Dev members,
Following our exciting “African KM4Dev Community Week”, we have been sharing all insights, discussions and outputs from the event in different formats on the KM4Dev wiki, on the KM4Dev for Africa Ning group and now on this mailing list. We believe doing this will not only help us to take lessons from the event forward but most importantly to build up on it and inform our ways forward. A number of participants from the African KM4Dev Community Week have suggested practical ways forward.
Main actions and next steps that were identified in the event were:
  • Organize web gatherings of this kind on a more regular basis perhaps using free online platforms like Skype, Google Hangouts (Interested to take a lead: KM4Dev Addis Ababa group via Hermella Ayalew & rotating to other African networks);
  • Explore working on a living compilation of case studies and lessons learnt from concrete development projects related to KM and focused on Africa, to be stored on the KM4Dev wiki and to share (Interested lead: Davide Piga);
  • Consider organizing a dedicated issue of the KM4Dev Journal on Africa (Interested leads: Marc Lepage, Gwen Wilkins and Vic Klabbers, with support from Ewen Le Borgne)
  • Look for ways (and funding) to organize a face-to-face event in Africa, to develop relationships among its members (Interested leads: none yet);
  • For knowledge workers at the grass root level: Integrating oral storytelling in community events and share experiences with KM4Dev community (interested leads: none yet).
If you would like to take or join the lead on these ideas, and if you would like to suggest other activities to take the African KM4Dev communities forward, either reply to this email or leave a message on the KM4Dev Africa Ning group.
Many thanks again for your keen participation and support!
Best regards,

Elias Damtew and Metadel Lemma