Bernhard Hack




Profile Information:

Name (Do NOT forget to upload a picture; that helps being admitted to KM4Dev)
Bernhard Hack
Independent Evaluation Consultant
Organization Type
INGO, Academic/Research
Organization URL
Areas of KM Expertise
Online Facilitation, Social Web/Web 2.0, Collaborative Technologies, Social Network Analysis, Narrative & Storytelling, Evaluating and Monitoring KM
Email ID
Skype ID
Languages Spoken
English, German, Italian

Comment Wall:

  • Johan Lammers

    Just spotted a fierce Elk online. Thought I should share it!

    If you could send me some of the requirements for the platform, a short story of a few lines, I would be able to indicate the beauty and usefulness of Drupal for such a project.

    See ya later and if you are visiting The Netherlands do not hesitate to come and eat some Elk stew at my place.
  • Karen Schmidt

    hi Berndhard, I very much enjoyed our conversations at the event. what a pitty that we could not make it to the social reporting of "how to make km happen against all organisational barriers" I hope to keep in touch and wish you good luck in syria. Cheers, Karen
  • John J W Mahegere

    Hi Ben,

    Hope you are ok and settled in Jordan! How is it there? I am pretty fine and still in Tanzania.

    Keep in touch.