a global community
The "Knowledge Sharing in CoPs and in Globally Distributed Organizations & Networks" workshop focused on learning from each other's experiences on Communities of Practice and in globally distributed organizations & networks through a variety of approaches.
Following a welcome from Ricardo Gomez, Bellanet's new Executive Director and a brief overview of past KM4dev workshops, participants introduced themselves. After an overview of Day 1's agenda came a presentation by Etienne Wenger on "Cultivating Communities of Practice". Stories relating to issues faced in CoPs were interwoven within Etienne�s presentation. Brenda Bucheli of PACT Peru presented EvalPeru, a nascent Evaluation Practitioners Network and R�al Lavergne introduced CIDA's Network on PBA's. Throughout the morning, participants and presenters engaged in an open and stimulation exchange of questions and comments.
In the afternoon, there were three rotating peer aasists on burning issues related to CoPs in small break-out groups, which Etienne then addressed.
The day was concluded with a pulse-check to find out how participants felt the day went both in terms of process and content." target="_self" rel="external">(Day 2's theme was Sharing Knowledge in Globally Distributed Organizations & Networks. The morning session comprised of presentations via video conference by Dharitri Patnaik of Action Aid in London and Andrea Cuzyova and Jafar Javan of UNDP in Brastislava (SURF ECIS), as well as a face-to-face presentation by Patrick Breard of UNDP (New York). The speakers related their experiences - including the challenges and benefits - of knowledge sharing in globally distributed organizations. A Question & Answer session followed the presentations.
Following a mid-morning coffee break, the Open Space was initiated. Participants were asked to come up with issues, questions and possibilities that they wanted to explore on the topic of knowledge sharing in a globally distributed organization, which they then posted on a blank wall called theMarketplace. Everyone was then asked to sign up to two of the topics that were posted and then broke out into small groups to further discuss these issues and to come up with ideas and solutions to resolve them. One member of each small group then typed up a discussion report, which were posted on the walls of the room.
In the afternoon, after participants had read the discussion reports, they were asked to come up with one action item - stemming from the reports - which they had interest, energy and passion in pursuing. They again posted these items on the walls andpaired up with a "buddy" , someone whose action item was similar. The Open Space was then closed by circulating a talking object, giving participants a chance to have a last say.
An After Action Review was conducted with a small group of participants to obtain feedback on the two days to assist organizers in future workshops.
Distributed at the workshop were KM Profiles of participants' organizations and Networks, which were collected prior to the workshop.
Last updated by kmfordev admin Jun 1, 2009.
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