PROMOTING CO-EXISTENCE OF MENTALLY SICK INDIVIDUALS IN THE COMMUNITY. GEOTHAD strongly believes there must be innovation in the creation of mental illness awareness and other bothering social issues such as stigmatization, personal skill acquisition etc. to continually remind the public to be conscious of their dispensations.
Mental illness is a catastrophe that cuts deep across all boundaries. International, National, and Local level. It is a debilitating blow to the local communities in both developing and under-developed nations as a whole.

The reality of the situation is so enormous and challenging that both the extended families and the health facilities alone cannot adequately provide comprehensive solution to the problem. We need to get involved in the struggle, in order to arrive at a lasting solution.
Virtually, basic knowledge about Mental Illnesses is universal among many conscious human beings. However, facts about the causes and prevention are not very accurate to them. This information deficit calls for mass media sensitization to address mental health issues to the public.
Seriously speaking, many people still think, that ‘madness or lunaticism’ is when one’s appearance is dirty, or portrayal of nakedness [Nude]. Realistically, this observation is baseless because; a current report from the Psychiatric Hospitals argues that unknowingly to the lay-person, out of every ten [10] persons you meet comes at least two [2] mentally sick people.
This truth dwells on the fact that, scientific research has indicated categories of mental illnesses in existence.
“Every person has tasted a portion of the ‘mental illness-cake’; and this has influenced odd personal behaviour among many people”.
Moreover, as human beings, we all have our individual emotions that drive us in our life engagements, and in dealing with some of these life challenges, we are likely to produce threats and stresses that trigger our state of emotional imbalance. These greatly affect our physical health status negatively, if nothing is done about the problem.

Seriously speaking, thousands of Ghanaians found on the streets are suffering from either or both emotional and psychological worries. These challenges could infuse a negative ramification on individual’s personal behaviour, if they refuse to attend to professional counselling.
More importantly, the influx of patients has made the three [3] Psychiatric Hospitals in Ghana over congested with patients from all works of life because, it receives and treats cases of mental illnesses from within; and the neighbouring countries as well. TO BE CONTINUED. DAN ZEAL

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