Ewen Le Borgne
  • Male
  • Addis Ababa
  • Ethiopia
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Ewen Le Borgne's Friends

  • Elias Wolde
  • Feker B. Tadesse
  • Titus Mokaya
  • Alexia Hetzel
  • Getachew Wassie
  • Teketel Mathiwos
  • Girma Gumata
  • Ameha Woubishet Woldeamanuel
  • Aurelie Toillier
  • Ruslan Khudobin
  • hugo remaury
  • Amanda Harding
  • Coralie Rigaud
  • Moses Abor
  • Thor Windham-Wright

Ewen Le Borgne's Groups



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Mouz Asfaw joined Ewen Le Borgne's group

KM4Dev Addis Ababa & Ethiopia

All development (& research) knowledge and communication specialists in Addis Ababa and more widely in EthiopiaSee a presentation explaining what this group stands for and has done so far.See our Facebook group.See More
Dec 17, 2023
Fitsum Tesfaye Habtemariam commented on Ewen Le Borgne's group 'KM4Dev Addis Ababa & Ethiopia'
"May 18-28, 2020 Virtual Midwest KM Symposium: Greetings :) I'm forwarding you a registration link if interested to attend (for free) the May 18-28, 2020 Virtual Midwest KM Symposium: https://sites.google.com/site/midwestkmcommunity/2020 Very…"
May 18, 2020
Ewen Le Borgne posted an event

Liberating Structures Festival, The Hague 7-11 October at IGLUU The Hague (http://denhaag.igluu.nl/vergaderlocatie-den-haag/?gclid=CjwKCAjw0N3nBRBvEiwAHMwvNsPzjp6r8bxIwo-qDVq74A2VJFEUFEQLs_CnPJxYoJrSmqOxYmBVzBoCn3wQAvD_BwE)

October 7, 2019 to October 11, 2019
About the FestivalAfter a very successful two-day ‘Liberating Structures Social Immersion Workshop’ last year, we are now offering (up to) a week’s worth of multi-events within the Liberating Structures Festival. Attend the whole festival or any specific event, as per your needs:Repetition is a form of changeA two-day…See More
Jun 5, 2019

Profile Information

Name (Do NOT forget to upload a picture; that helps being admitted to KM4Dev)
Knowledge sharing and communication specialist
International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
Organization Type
Organization URL
Areas of KM Expertise
Organisational Learning, Social Web/Web 2.0, Collaborative Technologies, Participatory Decision-Making, Communities of Practice, Research, Knowledge Mapping, Information Management, Workshop Facilitation, Change Management, KM Strategies, KM Incentive Systems, Evaluating and Monitoring KM, Thematic/Knowledge Networks, Other
Email ID
Skype ID
Blog URL
Other Interests
music, travelling, cooking
Languages Spoken
French, English, Spanish, Dutch, German


Check my blog with more recent ideas and work:  http://km4meu.wordpress.com/

Comment Wall (19 comments)

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At 5:02pm on January 18, 2012, Daniela Herzog said…

Hello Ewen, yes, it's been a while since we met, and unfortunately I won't be there in Addis for the get-together! However, I wish you lots of fun and inspiring conversations! Look forward to seeing you on KM4Dev! Best wishes, Daniela

At 6:58pm on January 13, 2010, SCHOMBE BAUDOUIN said…
Bonsoir Ewen,

Il me semble que je ne suis pas encore admis membre au sein de cette plate forme. Si oui, que faut-il faire pour être memebre?
At 1:14pm on November 20, 2009, Stefanie Neno said…
Salut Ewen,
Bien sur que je me souviens. Tu travailles toujours avec Catarina?
Je suis avec l'UNESCO (World Water Assessment Programme) depuis un peu plus de 2 ans et en Italie depuis 1 an et demi...
J'ai rejoint ce forum parce que nous cherchons a mettre en place une strategie de KM et un portail, mais c'est un projet plutot interne, pour ameliorer l'acces a l'info et au savoir, la coordination et l'efficacite du Programme. Donc c'est un peu different de ce qui est generalement discute ici... Mais sait-on jamais, je trouverai peut-etre quelques tuyaux!
Bonne continuation et a bientot!
At 4:44pm on November 19, 2009, Elsa Scholte said…
Hi Ewen,

Excellent idea! I think we can support also financially, but will have to discuss with my colleagues before final OK.

About other organisations: I just got of the phone with Jessica Teunissen. A real nice lady and responsible for online learning and knowledge within Oxfam/NOVIB. She may be interested too. Her e-mailadress is [Jessica.Teunissen@oxfamnovib.nl]. But if you want, I can also ask her...

Good to be in touch again! HOpe you are well.

Best regards,


P.S.: for now I'm still doing knowledge management next to a million other duties. Still no formal position created unfortunately :-(
At 11:05pm on October 13, 2009, Joel Muzard said…
Je vous invite au Café-des-connaissance du 21 octobre sur Internet. Pour infos et inscriptions:

Dr Joel Muzard
At 3:46pm on September 30, 2009, Odile Balizet said…
Merci Ewen pour ton accueil. J'ai contacté Mathieu et tous les détails logistiques sont réglés. J'arrive le 4 au soir et repart le 8 dans l'après midi. A bientôt donc Par contre je n'arrive pas à comprendre où se trouvent les contributions pour ce groupe francophone ni pour les autres jours Peux tu m'aider. Merci
At 9:53pm on September 29, 2009, Odile Balizet said…
Merci à Joel Muzard pour le lien avec le Café des connaissances
At 9:51pm on September 29, 2009, Odile Balizet said…
Je suis bien contente de participer à cette rencontre et à la première journée du réseau francophone
A bientôt donc Odile
At 4:08pm on September 28, 2009, Joel Muzard said…
Bonjour ,

Je vous invite aussi a participer au rencontres online du Café-des-connaissances, qui discute actuellement sur le theme Gouvernance 2.0.

Pour infos, le lien est le suivant:

Tous sont les bienvenu(e)s

Joel Muzard
At 4:16pm on September 24, 2009, Joel Muzard said…
Bonjour Ewen,
Je suis certainement intéressé, merci de me tenir au courant
Bonne journée

Joel Muzard

Ewen Le Borgne's Blog

Taking stock of KM strategies - https://km4meu.wordpress.com/2015/02/08/km-strategy_taking-stock/

A lot of people on KM4Dev and outside are wondering how (and if) to develop a KM strategy.

I faced the same issues a while back, so I started pulling together resources that I found interesting on this topic and turned them into a blog post. 

Sorry for the self-promotion here but the point is this could be very useful to many KM4Devers: …


Posted on April 8, 2015 at 7:28am — 1 Comment

Did you know it was 'Open Access Week' and also 'International Facilitation Week'?

Check out some more about these two events and why it's a great idea to combine the two (from the ILRI practice): 


Feel free to share your own experiences and to join in the events for these two special events in the same week :)

Posted on October 22, 2014 at 10:42am

CGIAR and partners 'Facilitation Survey - Please help us and fill it out by 20 October :)

Dear all, 

A number of CGIAR KM/comms/learning folks (Cristina Sette, Peter Ballantyne, Petr Kosina, Michael Victor and myself, under the lead of Simone Staiger and with inputs from a couple of others including Nadia Manning-Thomas) have developed a survey for which we would love to get answers from CGIAR folks and partners (involved in CGIAR events) by October 21:…


Posted on October 13, 2014 at 10:27am

[KM4Dev-Futures] Important discussion for all KM4Dev members on leadership and succession management

Hello KM4Dev,

We are now moving to the third topic of the focused conversations related to shaping the future of KM4Dev (the exchange has already started on the KM4Dev Dgroup)

Community leadership in KM4Dev happens thanks to a self-managing and participatory collective of volunteers known as the…

Posted on February 18, 2014 at 6:17am

Join local KM4Dev groups and find out more about the KM4Dev core group!

If you are based in: 


Posted on January 30, 2014 at 2:36pm


Donate !

We all get a great deal out of our engagement in KM4Dev. Maybe you would be happy to express appreciation through a regular voluntary contribution. Crowd funding works! 

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note if the donate link above does not work for you, click here on donate! and at the bottom of that page click on the donate logo

