a global community
I have become part of a new project that members of this group may be interested in. Development Aid Support is an initiative devised by an NGO based on Vienna called Knowledge for Development Without Borders (KFDWB). The mission of KFDWB is to identify current development issues and development best practices on the ground and to make this knowledge available to development organisations and local and national responsible bodies in order to highlight and alleviate the problems at a community level.
Take a look at our website and join us as a volunteer.
Local communities particularly may be engaged more in the reporting of the economic, social and environmental problems they are facing so that development engagements, interventions and resources must be efficiency targeted and focused. Development Aid Support gives worldwide everyone this chance to participate in the reporting of the economic, social and environmental problems that local communities are facing so that development engagements, interventions and resources must be efficiency targeted and focused. Please join the Development Aid Support project and do this. It’s in the advantage of the social, economic, environmental well-being of your local people.
Please click on the link above to download the Development Aid Support application free:
With the Development Aid Support App you can join us as a volunteer, view our social streams (Facebook and Twitter), view videos related to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and also contact us directly to report a development aid need in your community.
note if the donate link above does not work for you, click here on donate! and at the bottom of that page click on the donate logo
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