Course on Facilitating multi-stakeholder partnerships to foster sustainable and inclusive food systems with fellowship opportunity

Event Details

Course on Facilitating multi-stakeholder partnerships to foster sustainable and inclusive food systems with fellowship opportunity

Time: October 23, 2017 to November 10, 2017
Location: Wageningen, The Netherlands
Event Type: short, course
Organized By: Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation
Latest Activity: Dec 19, 2016

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Event Description

This course covers state-of-the-art thinking about designing and facilitating multi stakeholder partnerships (MSPs) and institutional change. You will learn what MSPs are, why we need them, what their key elements are and how to design and facilitate them. We will work highly interactive by building on participant’s own experiences. You will have plenary discussions, work on group assignments, engage in role-plays and undertake fieldwork to explore a real life MSP. You will practice a wide range of participatory methodologies and tools. The facilitators follow a flexible programme that allows adaptation to the specific needs of individuals and the group.

Course objectives

Upon completion of the course you will be able to:

  • understand the concept and rationale of multi-stakeholder partnerships and institutional change;
  • have a good insight into the key principles for effective MSPs;
  • analyse different types of multi-stakeholder partnerships in terms of the issues at stake, the stakeholders, their interests, power relations and conflicts;
  • use a broad range of participatory methodologies and tools in MSPs;
  • design an extended MSP;
  • assess the impact of your personal style in facilitation, communication, leadership and dealing with conflicts.

Target audience

We welcome participants who are involved, or will be involved in the future, in the facilitation of multi-stakeholder partnerships. You may work for an NGO, government, private sector organisation, research facility, university or consultancy and you are in the challenging position to design, facilitate or participate in MSPs. Proficiency in English is required.

For more information and online application:

How to apply:

More on fellowships:

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