a global community
January 26, 2012 from 3:30pm to 6pm – ILRI campus The brand new KM4Dev AA/Ethiopia group is a space for all communication, knowledge sharing/management, learning specialists that wish to share information and tips, work together or just socialise. T… Organized by Ewen Le Borgne (e.leborgne[at]cgiar.org) | Type: informal, get-together
April 27, 2012 from 3pm to 5pm – ILRI campus - Information Centre (as last time) Following our first get-together on 26 January, this is a second discussion where we have identified the topics: A brief introduction to social media and hands-on session on various social media (Ya… Organized by Ewen Le Borgne | Type: informal, get-together
June 28, 2012 from 3pm to 5pm – SNV Ethiopia office This third get-together can host a maximum of 25 participants - it may last the whole afternoon, this is still being debated. Agenda The discussion will focus on: A hands-on session on social medi… Organized by Marthe van der Wolf | Type: informal, get-together
October 19, 2012 from 4pm to 6pm – ILRI campus - Information Centre Friday 19 any of you guys can come over to the ILRI campus around 4pm to meet up with a very interesting group of people with a KM/comms background, including Paul 'Writeshop' Mundy (he coined the te… Organized by Ewen Le Borgne | Type: informal, get-together
April 5, 2013 from 2:30pm to 5pm – ILRI campus - Information Centre (as last time) Possible topics of discussion include: - A marketplace of 20 min where anyone can share any kind of update, event, document, idea etc. with one another - as a great way to get to know each other too.… Organized by Ewen Le Borgne | Type: informal, get-together
May 9, 2013 from 10:30am to 12:30pm – ILRI campus - Information Centre (as last time) The CIARD movement (www.ciard.net) is holding its partnership meeting in Addis Ababa at the ILRI campus this week. On Thursday, Netherlands-based CTA will hold a discussion and you're welcome to join… Organized by Ewen Le Borgne | Type: informal, get-together
June 21, 2013 from 2pm to 5pm – ILRI campus - Information Centre (as last time) Possible topics include: A marketplace of 40 min where anyone can share any kind of update, event, document, idea etc. with one another - as a great way to get to know each other too. Please bring m… Organized by Ewen Le Borgne | Type: informal, get-together
October 18, 2013 from 2pm to 5pm – ILRI campus - Konso auditorium (DIFFERENT VENUE!!) For different reasons this event is postponed by 2 weeks Probable agenda: A marketplace of up to 60 min where anyone can share any kind of update, event, document, idea etc. with one another - as a… Organized by Ewen Le Borgne | Type: informal, get-together
January 10, 2014 from 2pm to 5pm – ILRI campus - Information Centre Possible topics: A presentation about 'communication for development' (Mekiya/UNICEF) Presentation from some KM experiences from the private sector (Elshadai) A (possible) peer assist case about tak… Organized by Ewen Le Borgne | Type: informal, get-together
May 23, 2014 from 2pm to 5pm – Safety Net Support Facility Project Possible topics: Organisational learning and KM (Tigist Endashaw) KM of social media (Elshadai Negash) KM basics (Sara Seyoum) UNICEF's 'communication for development' approach (person to be identif… Organized by Yodit Gebrechirstos Teklemichael / Ewen Le Borgne | Type: informal, get-together
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