a global community
May 16, 2011 to May 19, 2011 – Centre de Congrès Le Manège La Plateforme AFIA 2011 La Plateforme bisannuelle de l'AFIA rassemble des conférences et ateliers consacrés à l'Intelligence Artificielle. Cette manifestation réunit des chercheurs et des industriels… Organized by Lorène ALLANO lorene.allano@cea.fr | Type: french-spoken, international, conference, artificial, intelligence, knowledge, engineering, learning, academic, industry, research
November 4, 2013 to November 8, 2013 – Serena Hotel If there is only one event you attend this year, it should be the international conference, ICT4Ag – the digital springboard for inclusive agriculture. Cohosted by CTA and the Rwandan Ministry of Agr… Organized by CTA, MINAGRI | Type: international, conference
February 5, 2018 to February 23, 2018 – Wageningen Today, markets have become mainstream instruments for poverty reduction, smallholder inclusion and increased food & nutrition security. However, market dynamics, failures and shortcomings often… Organized by Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation | Type: international, (short)course
September 10, 2018 to September 21, 2018 – Wageningen, the Netherlands Join us in Wageningen, the Netherlands for our 4th edition of the International course on Food Security in an Urbanising Society (10 – 21 September 2018). You will get well acquainted with the framew… Organized by Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation | Type: international, course
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