a global community
Time: January 23, 2017 from 5pm to 7pm
Location: 7th floor (ring: ADE/CHARE/MKS)
Street: 28 rue de la Loi
City/Town: Brussels, Belgium
Website or Map: https://goo.gl/maps/NMQU7xRQ2…
Phone: +32 (0)496 85 4052
Event Type: meeting
Organized By: Lucie Lamoureux
Latest Activity: Jan 16, 2017
If anyone else in or around Brussels is interested in this discussion around Knowledge Development Goals (KDG), feel free to join (but please bring a copy of the KDG, attached).
As Sarah mentioned in her message about the Knowledge Development Goals (KDG), I proposed holding a meeting in Brussels in January to discuss them. Here is a Doodle poll suggesting dates, please fill out before Nov 30:
The location will be specified once we have a date and know how many people are coming. This will be a 2-hour informal meeting, open to everyone who is in or near Brussels (but please note that travel costs are incurred by participants themselves, this is a self-funded event).
This also seemed like a good opportunity to re-launch the dormant KM4dev Brussels group. I know that a few of the people in the group have moved and there are probably a few more that would like to join. Please sign up so we can use the group to coordinate the January meeting:
note if the donate link above does not work for you, click here on donate! and at the bottom of that page click on the donate logo
13 members
7 members
63 members
31 members
342 members
RSVP for KM4dev meeting in Brussels - Doodle poll to add comments!
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