Local economic development: towards agribusiness cluster development

Event Details

Local economic development: towards agribusiness cluster development

Time: October 22, 2018 to November 2, 2018
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
City/Town: Johannesburg
Event Type: short, course
Organized By: van Lent
Latest Activity: Dec 5, 2017

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Event Description

Bridging the rural/urban divide, this course uses an adapted version of Porter's Diamond to analyse local sub-sectors for boosting urban and rural wealth through agribusiness cluster development. How local communities and youth can play a role in co-creating interventions for positive change in this field, is zoomed into.

The course is aimed at catalysing vibrant rural economies. It focuses on the changing roles of rural policies and services in sub-Saharan Africa. It introduces the participants to a set of five typical interventions that, on their own or in combination, are designed to boost local market demand, add value, smoothen rural trade and increase local economic activities generating income and employment. In this course each type of intervention will be illustrated with real-life cases that are presented by the ‘case owners’ themselves. This will assist to better appreciate the rigidity of reality. The course is highly interactive and builds on the participant’s own experiences and personal cases. These will serve as building blocks for ‘bankable’ project that will be developed during the course. The programme offers a balanced ‘diet’ including introductions to concepts, practices, participatory group work, guest lectures, case study presentations and excursions.

Upon completion of the course you will:

  • have a good understanding of conceptual frameworks to identify development opportunities for rural communities and spin-offs for rural wealth creation;
  • be able to appreciate the linkages between poverty and livelihood strategies, the role of agribusiness development and effective services delivery, and the potential of rural markets, local trade and value chains to ‘work for the poor’;
  • be able to facilitate participatory approaches and methodologies for innovation and change processes;
  • be able to apply tools and instruments for strategic and effective interventions catalysing processes that boost rural economies.

For information about this course and fellowship opportunities:


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