Social media for Development


Social media for Development

SOME4D brings together all who are interested in social media usage for international aid and development by Dutch based organisations.

Location: Netherlands
Members: 111
Latest Activity: Feb 15, 2022

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Comment by Ewen Le Borgne on March 12, 2012 at 7:21am

Hello all,

I am compiling all kinds of great resources on using social media to promote African knowledge about climate change adaptation. The crux of this assignment is really about a great introduction about social media (but of course, any resource scoring also on 'promoting African knowledge' and 'climate change adaptation' would be wonderful...

Any idea about useful resources?

Comment by Can Akdeniz on April 28, 2011 at 4:43pm

Dear members, our forthcoming training on social media might interest you:

Please pass this information to your colleagues. 



Comment by Hermon Ogbamichael on April 27, 2011 at 12:07pm
Dear Km4dev members:

This is to humbly remind you to participate in the survey on knowledge
sharing within VCoPs. I will really appreciate if you take a few of your
minutes to fill in the questionnarire (see the link below) as I have got
a deadline and as my success in my doctoral research project depends on
your participation and focuses on km4dev VCoPs. (NB - thank you very
much for those who have already filled the survey).  

Please follow the Link below to fill in the survey:

Information on the research (optional)

Subject - Questionnaire to be used for e-mail interviews with various
moderators and members of virtual communities of practice (VCoPs)

The purpose of this letter is to introduce a survey to investigate the
potential use of an information and knowledge flow model in active
VCoPs. If found applicable the model could be used for further research
in this field, for example approaches to improve the efficiency of
information and knowledge sharing, especially the tacit and explicit
knowledge, within a particular VCoP. The results of this research will
form part of a doctoral thesis.

The attached questionnaire should take approximately 20 to 25 minutes to

Informed consent

The participation of moderators and members of VCoPs in this survey is
completely voluntary. Participants are assured that their information
will be kept strictly confidential and anonymous. No references will be
made to specific individuals. All responses will be used for academic
purposes only.

Institution: Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Your participation in this survey will greatly determine and contribute
to the research completion and output.

Please follow the Link below to fill in the survey:

Thank you, in advance!

Mr Hermon Ogbamichael
D. Tech, Informatics
Faculty of Informatics and Design
Cape Peninsula University of Technology
+27 73 084 8325 (mobile)
+27 21 422 2148 (office)

Professor Pieter van Brakel
Research supervisor
Faculty of Informatics and Design
Cape Peninsula University of Technology
+27 82 966 0789 (mobile)
+27 21 469 1015 (office)

Comment by Okey Noke on February 4, 2011 at 6:23pm
This seems like a very interesting groups.  Any events coming up in Washington, DC?
Comment by John Gaynard on December 6, 2010 at 9:42pm
I am not Dutch, but I have had some experience with Social Media usage among a group of students in Abidjan, so I hope you don't mind me sitting in on some of your discussions.
Comment by Mark Turner on September 8, 2010 at 4:54pm
Just had a look at and Both very interesting!
Comment by Roxanna Samii on September 7, 2010 at 4:10pm
Recently I compiled list of 55 Twitter tools to make the most of your Twitter experience
Comment by Winifredo Dagli on July 19, 2010 at 2:49pm
Hi Claudia and others. Let's revive the discussion on this forum! Anand, maybe you can throw in a question or two that can enliven the discussion. Maybe Claudia can tell us something about OpenAid.
Comment by Claudia Schwegmann on July 19, 2010 at 12:58pm
Hi everybody, just a short not to introduce myself. I joined the group ALTHOUGH I am not in the NL - but I am VERY interested in social media and development so I hope you will bear with me. Last year I created OpenAid to promote aid transparency and one of my main interest is the use of social media for local accountability at the project level.
Comment by Roxanna Samii on March 30, 2010 at 8:11am
Here is a story I shared on how we used and are story social media at IFAD

Members (111)


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