KM4Dev 09 Gender Huddle


KM4Dev 09 Gender Huddle

This group is meant to start thinking and sharing around the gender huddle at the 6-8 October 2009 KM4DEV meeting in Brussels

Members: 39
Latest Activity: Jan 27, 2017

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Tags: wiki, agenda, gender

Started by Peter J. Bury Sep 29, 2009.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Rosien Herweijer on August 16, 2011 at 8:56am

On gender differences in learning


(Thank you Joitske for tweeting this)

Comment by Shaheen Hussain on May 5, 2011 at 9:03am
As many of you are aware, the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness will be taking place in Busan, Korea in Nov/Dec 2011. The final round of monitoring of progress on the Paris Declaration survey 2011 is still ongoing, but in additon to the regualr survey, an optional module on gender equaltiy was also included this year. Despite our best efforts, the government in Pakistan decided not to participate in the optional survey. However, through INGAD (Inter-agency Gender and Development Group, comprising UN agencies, bilateral and multilateral donors) we have decided to compile and provide inputs for the meeting in Busan based in part on the indicators in the optional gender equality survey. We feel that it is an excellent opportunity to highlight issues related to gender equality and aid effectiveness. I am not sure if this is beyond the scope of this group, but would be interested to know if anyone else is working along similar lines in preparation for Busan.
Comment by Rosien Herweijer on February 22, 2011 at 1:26pm

sis International invites you to participate to the 
United Nations Commission on Status for Women 55th Session Panel on

Re-Strategising the Use of Media and ICTs for Empowering Women on the Ground

8:00 AM, 25 February 2011
Boss Room, Ground Floor of the Church Center, New York, USA



Ramida Katharina Sinaga (Indonesia)
Perkumpulan Sada Ahmo (SADA AHMO ASSOCIATION) 
Sitti Hajar Noviana 
Zarima Koichumanova
Forum of Women’s NGOs of Kyrgyzstan

Devi Leiper (USA/Cambodia)
Global Fund for Women

Anna Dinglasan (Philippines)
Isis International


Cai Yiping (China)
Isis International

For reports and speech recordings on the CSW55, visit the Isis International website.

Comment by Sophie Treinen on November 15, 2010 at 5:21pm
It is never too late to update the wiki and upload the videos of the gender huddle discussion.
Have a look at and see the summary of our discussions as well as the videos linked to it.

Gender and KS are still needed as two interdependent processes.

Sophie Treinen
Comment by Hannah Beardon on July 15, 2010 at 10:57am
The Journal of Community Informatics
Community Informatics & Gender (Special Double Issue)
Table of Contents

Editorial: Community Informatics and Gender
Michael Gurstein

Gender in Community Informatics : Guest Editorial for the special issue on
Gender and Community Informatics
Anita Gurumurthy

89.1 FM: The Place for Development: Power shifts and participatory spaces in
Revi Sterling, Sophia Huyer

Gender digital equality in ICT interventions in health: Evidence from IDRC
supported projects in developing countries
Kathleen Flynn-Dapaah, Ahmed Tareq Rashid

Women Forge Ahead in India: Internet and the Public Forum
Kavita Karan, Dr. Rohit Raj Mathur

Technicians, Tacticians and Tattlers: Women as Innovators and Change Agents
in Community Technology Projects
Helen McQuillan

Economic and Social Empowerment of Women Through ICT: A Case Study of
Khalid Said Rabayah

Women at Work and Home: New Technologies and Labor among Minority Women in
Sreela Sarkar

Gender and GIS: Mapping the Links between Spatial Exclusion, Transport
Access, and the Millennium Development Goals in Lesotho, Ethiopia, and Ghana
Wendy M Walker, Shalini P Vajjhala

Village Phone Program, Commodification Of Mobile Phone Set And Empowerment
Of Women
Quamrul Alam, Mohammad Abu Yusuf, Ken Coghill

The Digital Divide and Gender: A Survey of Environmental Community
Organizations in Perth, Western Australia
Subas Prasad Dhakal

Case Studies
Cultivating the Women on Farms Gathering Community: A Digital Approach
Natalie Lee-San Pang

Internet, power and politics: gender & ICTs in the movement against CAFTA
Margarita Salas

Rural e-governance: Exploring the gender gaps and its impact on women(A case
study of e-gram suraj scheme of Chhattisgarh State of India)
Anupama Saxena

Notes from the field
Creating Community, Rejecting Community: Migrant Women in Beijing
Elisa Oreglia

Notes and cases from the field (practitioners)
Gender Experiences in IT@School, an ICT enabled education project of Kerala,
P R Raji, Arun M

Engendering ICTs: Scope for Empowering women, with special reference to
Dilip Dumar Ghosh,
Comment by Claudia Michel on June 4, 2010 at 12:03pm
Hi Hannah, Rosien and Tarit
Many thanks for your comments! I looked at the Dimitra project and I also found the story about the gender-sensitive bridge convincing and funny. Please accept my apologies for my long silence. I was busy preparing the course for SDC which took place last week and I would like to share that experience now with you.

The course was structured along the daily activities of the different teams of the knowledge and learning division of SDC: 1) learning and networking, 2) information management, 3) intraweb applications, 4) culture & development.
I started the course asking people to go into pairs to talk about their personal experience with gender (equality) in the past, as well as about their expectations for the course. The personal reflection was appreciated very much because it gave the course a personal touch from the beginning. But I think a trustful atmosphere in the team is a precondition for such an exercise.
The next steps were four inputs of about 10 minutes followed by discussions on key issues of the division: 1) gender-sensitive facilitation; 2) non-sexist language; 3) usability and accessibility of the internet from a gender perspective; 4) uneven access of female and male artists to scholarships. I tried to always give good examples on how other institutions solved the problems raised, but this was not always possible. There was a lively discussion after each input which is a good sign. However, I had the impression that the participants had the feeling that some aspects were already known and not really new. I also found it difficult to facilitate a balanced discussion about the complexities and the simplicities of differences between men and women.
The most important part was the work on small “gender-projects” in working groups i.e. projects which help to include a gender perspective in one the daily activities of each team. It was appreciated to have time for being productive although this means more work load at the end of the day. There will be another half-day in August, where we can see how these small projects advanced. I am already very curious to see whether the plans can be realized.
Comment by Hannah Beardon on May 18, 2010 at 10:40am
Good point, and nice example! And it reminds me, I have developed some tools for participatory analysis/assessment of access to information which oculd be appropriate. In face I just had a conversation yesterday with an ICT4D colleague in Uganda who has used the tools in training and he said they were very well received, and are already being used, as people said they helped to make gender practical to them. They know that there are differences in people's access to and potential for use of information resources in communities, and in many cases these differences have to do with wealth, power and privilege, including education/ literacy, time and control of spending decisions. The differences effect the impact of the work they do, so asking men, women, young, old, rich, poor, literate and not etc to rank information sources for accessibility, usefulness, availability etc should really help them to plan better. I guess that applies in all communities, ie teams and organisations, not just villages and CBOs!

Happy to share the tools we have developed so far if you want to adapt them.
Comment by Rosien Herweijer on May 17, 2010 at 7:42pm
Hi Claudia,

One of my favorite stories is one that explains to an engineer what a gender sensitive bridge is. The thing about gender sensitivity in knowledge management is trying to find out whether participants in events, users of libraries or platforms experience different barriers and incentives to participate. These could relate to:

- content (is the content gender neutral or male biased, does it address the concerns of women)
- technical and practicalities (access to library, computers, skill levels time constraints etc.)

You could look at what has been done in the field of KM, who has participated, if there were any distinct gender patterns etc.

P.S. if you want to know about the bridge......
Comment by Hannah Beardon on May 7, 2010 at 10:45am
Hi Claudia,
I am working on exactly the interface between gender mainstreaming awareness and capacity, and knowledge management, for IFAD and FAO at the moment. It is difficult on many fronts...
Gender issues and aspects can be quite hidden in projects especially where that is not the main focus, so a lot of really useful on the job learning about why and how to consider gender issues in planning, implementation, monitoring etc is just not captured. I think Dimitra (an FAO project for Africa) has been developing some training on Communicating Gender, which tries to address this in practical ways, uninvisibilising the gender components of problems, as well as the interventions trying to solve them...
Another issue is that even where you have a lot of really useful information, the people who should be using it, learning from it and applying that learning - ie those with responsibility for project design and management - are often not willing audiences. So there is the problem of finding ways to share which are useful to them, making the case for gender and providing very practical resources. Of course, this depends on the organisational culture and commitment to gender mainstreaming, but only for the severity of the problem, not the problem itself. One thing that IFAD and FAO are doing is to increase networking among regional staff and partners who share different thematic focus, for example rural finance, to share learning and approaches around gender, women's participation etc.

I would be really keen to hear if you gather any good learning on how to reach different but necessary audiences within organisations so that learning can be shared and improve practice... and would be happy to be involved in any group thinking about that!
Comment by Claudia Michel on May 7, 2010 at 10:07am
Dear all. I am very happy that this gender huddle exists! I recently got a mandate by an SDC division to organise a 1,5-day course on information management, knowledge sharing & learning/networking from a gender perspective. The mandate connects the two pillars of my career: I completed my PhD in gender studies three years ago, since then I am working as a coordinator for knowledge sharing in a Swiss research programme in development studies. I am very enthusiastic about the course but it is the first time that I assume the responsibility for such a mandate; therefore, I am a bit nervous and would be very grateful for sharing my experience with you in the gender huddle.
The first part of the course takes place on 25 May, the second on 12 August. SDC staff told me to be interested in the very practical aspects of gender. To give an example: The information management receives all incoming questions and answers them. How could they do their job from a gender sensitive perspective? I am planning to give examples from other organizations for each of 4 topics of the division (information management, knowledge sharing, intraweb, projects) in order to show how similar institutions deal with the issue. Therefore, I am looking after such examples. I am grateful for any hint on gender sensitive information/knowledge sharing practices or for any other comment related to experts, literature, toolkits, etc. And I would certainly share the material as it accumulates! Many thanks in advance.

Claudia Michel
Coordinator, Knowledge Sharing
NCCR North-South

Members (37)


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