KM4Dev 09 Gender Huddle


KM4Dev 09 Gender Huddle

This group is meant to start thinking and sharing around the gender huddle at the 6-8 October 2009 KM4DEV meeting in Brussels

Members: 39
Latest Activity: Jan 27, 2017

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Tags: wiki, agenda, gender

Started by Peter J. Bury Sep 29, 2009.

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Comment by Hannah Beardon on October 14, 2009 at 12:00pm
hmmm, it 'sounds easy' to generate material to some extent... then have you any idea what you would do with it? How would you get it 'out there'? Or does it depend totally on the context and purpose?

In the ag huddle Louise developed an interesting graphic of a see saw - with one side (mostly international organisation staff really) info heavy and incentive (for info sharing/ learning) light, and the other side info light and incentive heavy. The weakest arrow in the discussions we had about info flow was always the one from the ground to the international decision makers and researchers.So on the one hand there is the production side - especially capturing of info from the grassroots... on the other the dissemination .. any ideas on that?
Comment by Hannah Beardon on October 14, 2009 at 11:07am
Thanks Riff, your prize is in the post.

I agree, but then again what came out of our conversation with Rose is that where good practice exists on the ground, but is not labelled gender, this does not get shared as good practice to others... and in fact donors are asking them to 'do' gender, when they are already doing it, and they themselves don't even know they are already doing it. SO... in a way I thought tagging was quite a nice way of showing how gender analysis, and adapting plans with a mind to gender equity, is part of good quality development processes. A bit like indicators?

I would like to know more about video - are you thinking of participatory video processes whereby people decide the story they want to tell, the image they want to portray? Or a means of reporting perhaps interview style? Do you think that could work in large organisations? Would it influence decision making? Learning around techniques and good practices? Or would it work better in communities of practice?

So many questions... and no more prizes I'm afraid.
Comment by Hannah Beardon on October 13, 2009 at 4:01pm
hmm Pete, yeah but no but... I know what you mean though.

QUESTION TO GROUP: how do you make sure that good gender equity work is reported on and heard beyond the initiative itself - especially when it is not a 'gender (or women's!) project'?

Prize to the first correct answer...
Comment by pete cranston on October 13, 2009 at 3:23pm
Great post and video (sigh, smart video editing [recovering] another reason to go Mac.)

But it also underlines for me how social reporting is something to do as we go along. The story that Rose told was rich in detail that couldn't be captured in one short video later, and I remember that Rose commented how telling the story itself made her realise how many things that SAFIRE does which are examples of good practice in embedding gender into programming. Lesson to self: always carry the camera, and capture as it happens.
Comment by Hannah Beardon on October 13, 2009 at 2:34pm
ah yes Rose - it is here I didn't realise...
As is the video we did of Rose explaining her work and in particular how they have dealt with the underreporting of good gender equity work.
Comment by Roselinie Farirayi Murota on October 13, 2009 at 2:24pm
i have seen the blog...nice piece of work! thanks to you guys. it was nice meeting you!
Comment by Hannah Beardon on October 12, 2009 at 5:53pm
No , this is my comment and nudge to the group on issues I am interested in. Jo should be putting the blog and video up soon, I hope! I will follow up...
Comment by Sophie Treinen on October 12, 2009 at 5:45pm
Hi Hannah,
Could you please refresh my memory? Is this the blog post you wanted to publish or have you prepared something specific for the wiki? Have you done a filmed interview of Rose? Thanks for letting us know
Comment by Hannah Beardon on October 12, 2009 at 5:34pm
Hi all,
I was part of the gender huddle in brussels and really enjoyed the opportunity to think about the characteristics of gender and/ in KM. We kind of felt that there were two slightly separate issues: the management of knowledge about gender and the gender aspects of KM. I think both are fascinating.

For the former, we talked about how gender can be so invisible, even when it is being done well - jsut like KM itself. It is enabling, makes work better and more effective, but it is hard to find out what is happening, we don't report on it well, and it would be great to share some ideas about how we could improve the reporting of gender in projects and activities that do not have a 'gender' focus or name. One idea I liked was tagging - if people could get used to tagging reports then things like gender would be 'uninvisibilised'...

the other aspect - of gender in KM - was also interesting and we talked a bit about the processes and questions that can be asked to understand the gender, power and other differences in the way people use and access information. This is equally valid whether we are working in a rural setting or within large organisations on KM, sharing learning or information access issues. I am hoping to contribute some of the tools I have developed/ used for this kind of socio-technical mapping and would love to hear from others too on this one...
Comment by Rosien Herweijer on October 12, 2009 at 12:38pm a LEISA magazine special on women in agriculture

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