KM4Dev 09 Gender Huddle


KM4Dev 09 Gender Huddle

This group is meant to start thinking and sharing around the gender huddle at the 6-8 October 2009 KM4DEV meeting in Brussels

Members: 39
Latest Activity: Jan 27, 2017

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The genderHuddle agenda on the km4dev wiki

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Tags: wiki, agenda, gender

Started by Peter J. Bury Sep 29, 2009.

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Comment by Christian DE NEEF on October 12, 2009 at 9:09am
Thank you Sophie for inviting me here. I may need some time to catch up, as I am both new to KM4DEV & this group. Looking forward to enriching discussions! Will they be gender-balanced?, I doubt so...
Comment by Rosien Herweijer on October 12, 2009 at 8:19am
Thank you Sophie for putting in so much effort.
It is good to have a space where we can continue to think an exchange experiences regarding gender in KM/KS: there is always a surprise when you look to the gender lens
Comment by Sophie Treinen on October 12, 2009 at 12:30am
Jaap was the first man to join the gender huddle in Brussels on Day 1. But on Day 2 we had gender balance in the participation. Four men and four women. So I hope we can keep this balance in the members list of this group so that we can continue discussing ... as many of our concerns were not answered in Brussels
Comment by Peter J. Bury on September 29, 2009 at 5:47pm
Hi all, if only to contribute a tiny bit to a gender balance in this huddle. As I'm facilitating the WASHuddle, I may not be able to participate much, but i'll try to make links!
At IRC we have an interesting trackrecord on addressing gender and equity and are the initiators of the global Gender and Water Alliance (GWA). For more click here
Comment by Rosien Herweijer on September 29, 2009 at 12:00pm
welcome roselinie and all other huddlers..... see you all next week
Comment by Roselinie Farirayi Murota on September 29, 2009 at 10:12am
I am an information officer and working with an NGO in facilitating rural development in the area of ICTs. the issue of gender is something that i have a keen inetrest in. i am not an expert in this field but i wnat to learn more about gender issues in KM/KS. particularly of interest to me is the monitoring and evaluation and collection of gender disaggregated data in the community. i am also a student studying Information and Knowledge managent! looking forward to an enriching group of people!
Comment by Jane Elizabeth Hailé on September 20, 2009 at 3:30pm
Just some of random thoughts towards a huddle!
Like Rosien on her wiki entry I am struck also by the variety of gender & KM experiences represented here.
In terms of gender being an organizing principle I think we need also to recognize that this varies in importance as a principle between different societies. Also that for many people the two categories of woman & man would not be sufficient. In many countries we see increasingly vocal & visible GLBT constituencies for example. This has not only of individual conceptual & philosophical significance but also has practical implications - for example as concerns marriage & adoption & inheritance rights of same sex couples; or developing HIVAIDS prevention campaigns; or ordaining homosexual clergy.

The recent case of the South African athlete Caster Semenya who was subject to so-called 'gender-testing' after she won the gold medal has also raised public awareness of the fact that the distinctions & links between sex & gender may not be as simple as is often assumed.

As a media junkie I have been struck by the 'engendered' discussion of the economic crisis in many of the 'serious' mainstream media. This is impressive & perhaps indicates that all that mainstreaming work by the gender experts since the 1960s is having an impact outside their immediate environment or institution?

In this sense I find it a bit oddly timed that the UN last week decided to establish a separate agency for women? This event has been hailed by the NGOs who have campaigned for it but may not be widely known about in the outside world.

In terms of KM we perhaps need to look at the various gender discourses running concurrently...... donor organization, academia, mainstream media.... which would also vary in different country situations..... & the possibility of links between them?
Comment by Sophie Treinen on September 18, 2009 at 6:32pm
I am interested in Gender aspects of Knowledge Management from a field perspective. In programmes and projects gender issues are not systematically integrated and very often gender issues are interpreted as women issues, which is wrong. Therefore when you are sharing knowledge in a project, how would you ensure that both men and women can participate, learn and share what they know, or have experienced. What are the methods you have tried, what worked or failed? and why?

I am looking for concrete examples and experiences so that I can share them with my colleagues who are not able to join us in Brussels, but who implement KS projects in Africa, Latin America and Asia.
Comment by Rosien Herweijer on September 18, 2009 at 3:10pm
I have put some ideas on the wiki. Please comment.
Comment by Jane Elizabeth Hailé on September 15, 2009 at 4:36pm
Like everyone else on the wall I would be interested in participating in this huddle! I am not sure yet how to situate my own experience within the broader KM4Dev as a very new member so I'll just say something about what I am doing & wait for reactions as to its relevance! My primary activity as a consultant at the moment is for the UNDP in Cambodia. I'm working with the Ministry of Women's Affairs & the Ministry of Land. I have been (in the jargon) helping to 'engender' the nation-wide systematic land registration programme through, for example drafting land registration policy, reviewing legislation , developing & facilitating training on gender issues in land registration for govt officials, donors & NGOs, developing public education programmes for various audiences . This is fairly typical of my assignments with UN & other donors but Cambodia is a particularly fascinating place to work & I'm looking forward to going back in November to work with the Min of Labour.

Other than my consulting activities I also facilitate MA courses on Gender & Media for the New School of Social Research in New York. This is where Marshall Macluhan 'cut his teeth' .In connection with this I'm developing a light-hearted introduction to 'gender literacy' on my web-site at which looks at a number of gender & communication issues also mentioned by others e.g. gender & new communications technologies, gendered communication patterns & competence, how the media influences ideas about gender & vice versa etc
Let me throw this into the pot for now & look forward to hearing more of other people's experience & questions

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