

Location: Worldwide
Members: 159
Latest Activity: May 3, 2021

Basic information

"In response to the many Knowledge Management and sharing initiatives across the United Nations system, the purpose of this sub-group of the KM4Dev network is to provide a forum for interested members to discuss issues, exchange resources, share experiences and plan initiatives and events on Knowledge Management within and across UN organizations globally."

This group is open to all staff who are interested in KM within UN organizations which can connect with each other through the members list and the group wall below.

In addition, we have established a mailing list on DGroups (as a sub-group to KM4Dev) which, however, is only open to UN staff members or consultants currently working for the UN (click here to see list of eligible UN bodies):

To request an invitation to this group, please send a request email to including the name of your UN organization.


Free Online Course: Planning for Data Collection

Hi everyone,…Continue

Tags: profit, non, ICT4D, development, learning

Started by Gaurav Singh Aug 9, 2017.

Our event getting momentum!

How is it going KM4Devers!Our “African Community Week” event is turning more and more interesting every day.Members are showing interest to participate in the pre week buddying and the main online…Continue

Started by Elias Damtew Assefa Mar 5, 2013.

Subject: Come arch participate to the African KM4Dev Community Week from March 25-29 (and special Day on 28)

Dear KM4Dev members from or working in Africa, We are pleased to announce that our group, KM4Dev Ethiopia/Addis Ababa, has been awarded the “KM4Dev Innovation Fund 2012” for a proposal that concerns…Continue

Started by Elias Damtew Assefa Feb 22, 2013.

New avenue for rural reconstruction in India 1 Reply

Even in India many people do not not how an age old knowledge leads to income generation amongst rural poor.Ericulture- a bioprospecting for supplementing livelihood, environment and foodsecurity in…Continue

Started by Dr. Monica Chaudhuri. Last reply by Agyemange Feb 24, 2012.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of KM4Dev-UN to add comments!

Comment by Minu Mittal on September 12, 2014 at 8:41pm

Happy to find and join this group. I have been working in the knowledge industry for more than 10 years now, and also about to complete my M.S. from Columbia University in the field. I am specializing in Knowledge Networking and social learning/collaboration/CoPs. 

Let me know if there is any related event, discussion or work opportunity, and I would be happy to collaborate.



My linkedin

Comment by Nancy White on February 16, 2013 at 10:38pm

Anja, you might want to also post that question on the KM4Dev DGroups list. See the link on the front of this site!

Ben, there is also a Jobs board... and wow, waving hello!

Comment by B. Zhu on February 16, 2013 at 2:58pm

Hi All, UNU-FLORES in Dresden, Germany is now recruiting 5 Academic Officers on Water, Soil and Waste, CD and System Fluxes (P2/P3); 1 Finance & Admin Officer (P2), 1 Communications Associate, 1 Computing & IT Assistant, 1 Multimedia & Graphic Assistant. Fore more information please visit: and please feel free to distribute this information to your friends who might be interested in working for UNU in Dresden, Germany.

Comment by Anja Erbel on February 14, 2013 at 11:07am

Hi colleagues,

I was wondering whether any of you would have some good practices or lessons to share around documentation of Global Programmes? I am looking for ideas on formats, time frames and processes so the programme manager can share useful information onn a regular basis with donors, partners and stakeholders.


Comment by Ifoda Abdurazakova on October 21, 2011 at 9:13pm


Original Message by:

Patrick Keuleers

Cluster Leader/Senior Advisor







The Democratic Governance Group, Bureau for Development Policy, is currently running a photo contest to capture the diversity of the UN’s work in Public Administration Reform and Local Governance. This can encompass a wide array of development issues – we count on your creativity in reflecting the many faces of our work!


« Submit up to 10 photos and compete for one of four digital cameras!!!

« To participate, join the “THROUGH YOUR LENS” UN Teamworks Space, go to the “Upload your photo/s HERE!” block and click on “Add file”.

« Don’t forget to include:

(i) name of photographer and the UN Agency / Fund / Programme he/she is working for; (ii) date and location of photo; (iii) a caption providing information on how the photo captures and reflects the UN’s work in Public Administration and/or Local Governance; and (iv) the full name of the person/people in the photo, if available.

« Hurry!  The contest closes on Friday 4 November 2011. 


Please contact Noella Richard ( or Diana Delamer (  if you want to participate and have access to the "THROUGH YOUR LENS" community space in  UN Teamworks. 


Best regards,



UN Teamworks team 


Comment by dormaringan on August 26, 2011 at 3:30am

Hi Collegues,

As new member, I need your further assistance on how to develop KM system at community, with cheap and easy management.


Thanks in advanc,


Comment by syalomi natalia on May 6, 2011 at 4:41am
hi guys, AusAID AIPD in NTT-Indonesia is looking for a Knowledge Management Consultant to develop their KM Strategy, anyone interested? or any recommendation? very many thanks. please send your interest /recommendation to
Comment by Ian Thorpe on May 5, 2011 at 11:12am
Dear Shaheen
A discussion on KM systems to support One UN was just launched on the UN's co-ordination practice Network (CPN) started by the One UN Team in Vietnam. It might be worthwhile to join this discussion. I have also had a similar query from Rwanda who are at an early stage in the process. Madagascar have done some work on this and responded to the query. If you are not a member of CPN here is a link to the joining instructions:
Comment by Shaheen Hussain on May 5, 2011 at 8:42am

Dear Members, I am currently working on information management systems to support the One UN pilot in Pakistan, particulary on tools for the UNCT to monitor overall funding contributions (core and non-core), and also to monitor overall progress on the One Programme. I would be interested to know if anyone else is working on similar solutions. I am also interested to know if anyone is working on systems/solutions particularly in support of overall improved aid effectiveness, either internally or externally with host governments. I look forward to hearing from you!

Comment by Hermon Ogbamichael on April 27, 2011 at 12:09pm
Dear Km4dev members:

This is to humbly remind you to participate in the survey on knowledge
sharing within VCoPs. I will really appreciate if you take a few of your
minutes to fill in the questionnarire (see the link below) as I have got
a deadline and as my success in my doctoral research project depends on
your participation and focuses on km4dev VCoPs. (NB - thank you very
much for those who have already filled the survey).  

Please follow the Link below to fill in the survey:

Information on the research (optional)

Subject - Questionnaire to be used for e-mail interviews with various
moderators and members of virtual communities of practice (VCoPs)

The purpose of this letter is to introduce a survey to investigate the
potential use of an information and knowledge flow model in active
VCoPs. If found applicable the model could be used for further research
in this field, for example approaches to improve the efficiency of
information and knowledge sharing, especially the tacit and explicit
knowledge, within a particular VCoP. The results of this research will
form part of a doctoral thesis.

The attached questionnaire should take approximately 20 to 25 minutes to

Informed consent

The participation of moderators and members of VCoPs in this survey is
completely voluntary. Participants are assured that their information
will be kept strictly confidential and anonymous. No references will be
made to specific individuals. All responses will be used for academic
purposes only.

Institution: Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Your participation in this survey will greatly determine and contribute
to the research completion and output.

Please follow the Link below to fill in the survey:

Thank you, in advance!

Mr Hermon Ogbamichael
D. Tech, Informatics
Faculty of Informatics and Design
Cape Peninsula University of Technology
+27 73 084 8325 (mobile)
+27 21 422 2148 (office)

Professor Pieter van Brakel
Research supervisor
Faculty of Informatics and Design
Cape Peninsula University of Technology
+27 82 966 0789 (mobile)
+27 21 469 1015 (office)


Members (159)


Donate !

We all get a great deal out of our engagement in KM4Dev. Maybe you would be happy to express appreciation through a regular voluntary contribution. Crowd funding works! 

background and info



note if the donate link above does not work for you, click here on donate! and at the bottom of that page click on the donate logo



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