Process Documentation method


Process Documentation method

Process documentation can promote learning and action through joint reflection and analysis.

This group is linked to a similar group on the social network.

Persons interested to dig deeper are encouraged to consider also joining a Googlegroup on Process Documentation

Members: 13
Latest Activity: Dec 14, 2020

Starting up this group about Process Documentation

My intention is to promote and use this group to deepen understanding and experience with Process Documentation purpose and methods.

Too often lipservice is being paid to Process Documentation while in fact activities are then often limited to document events full stop, but refrain from documenting change in order to understand factors that influence change, reflect and act on this, to adjust in order to achieve the desired change.

Another area to discover is whether Process Documentation has any equivalent in other languages and grasp the differences.

More to follow in the future, in the meantime explore the resources on Process Documentation at IRC.


Experience Capitalization

Process Documentation (as used among others in the Water Sector) is very close in purpose and methods to Experience…Continue

Tags: documentation, process, capitalization, experience

Started by Peter J. Bury Oct 26, 2016.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Peter J. Bury on June 20, 2017 at 9:36am

Hi all, I'd like to point you to the 'sister' group of this group, namely the Experience Capitalization group. That group is likely to become more active now that CTA has embarked on a 2016-2018 Capitalization of Experience for Greater Impact in Rural Development project, funded by IFAD.

See you there?

Comment by Jim Tarrant on September 14, 2016 at 7:47pm

I head up a 5-year project working with USAID Washington to support integration between the biodiversity conservation sector and other key development sectors (climate change, food security, health, economic growth and democracy & governance). The objective is to help the Agency learn how to design, implement and monitor more sustainable and cost effective integration projects. Central to achieving that objective is to have a robust learning component woven through the project, which, in turn, requires good process documentation (and documentation in the broad sense, i.e. not limited to printed documents but various media and forms of interaction). I will periodically post about our project's efforts and how these are working for feedback or just sharing. Currently, we will be using after-action reviews (AARs), outcome harvesting, evidence summits and other knowledge sharing events.


Members (13)


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