Below you find information on what we planned to talk about. Information on what we discussed is best located from:
addictomatic -
socialmention - in a changing agricultural landscape: AgHuddle at KM4Dev 2009At the KM4Dev workshop in Brussels (6-8 October), we will organize a thematic 'AgHuddle' for people interested in knowledge sharing (KS) and knowledge management (KM) in the agriculture sector.
Focus 1. KS and KM in changing organizationsAll across the agricultural sector, knowledge, learning and innovation are emerging as key points where organizations need to invest and make a difference. Capturing, mobilizing, and sharing different types of knowledge and information - and putting them to good use - has moved up organizational agendas.
Focus 2. KS and KM enabling processes of rural changeBeyond our rather structured organizations and their particular concerns, we are also seeing an explosion of interest in the use of ICTs to facilitate different aspects of knowledge sharing and application in and with rural communities - and among the people who interact with them.
For organizations working in agriculture, for agricultural change processes:
- What positives can we already build on in agricultural KS/KM? What goes well and has proven results ...?
- Which areas of agricultural KS/KM do we need to pay more attention to? What doesn't go so well and how could we improve ...?
- Which developments and innovations in agricultural KS/KM look most promising? Upcoming best bets ...?
- What take away messages would we share with/offer to the other thematic huddles?
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