
KM4Dev09 Ag Huddle

Members: 21
Latest Activity: Aug 9, 2011

AgHuddle in Brussels

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KS/KM in a changing agricultural landscape: AgHuddle at KM4Dev 2009

At the KM4Dev workshop in Brussels (6-8 October), we will organize a thematic 'AgHuddle' for people interested in knowledge sharing (KS) and knowledge management (KM) in the agriculture sector.

Focus 1. KS and KM in changing organizations

All across the agricultural sector, knowledge, learning and innovation are emerging as key points where organizations need to invest and make a difference. Capturing, mobilizing, and sharing different types of knowledge and information - and putting them to good use - has moved up organizational agendas.

Focus 2. KS and KM enabling processes of rural change

Beyond our rather structured organizations and their particular concerns, we are also seeing an explosion of interest in the use of ICTs to facilitate different aspects of knowledge sharing and application in and with rural communities - and among the people who interact with them.

For organizations working in agriculture, for agricultural change processes:
  • What positives can we already build on in agricultural KS/KM? What goes well and has proven results ...?
  • Which areas of agricultural KS/KM do we need to pay more attention to? What doesn't go so well and how could we improve ...?
  • Which developments and innovations in agricultural KS/KM look most promising? Upcoming best bets ...?
  • What take away messages would we share with/offer to the other thematic huddles?


Survey on Virtual communities of practice (VCoPs) knowledge sharing

Started by Hermon Ogbamichael Apr 27, 2011.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Peter Ballantyne on December 8, 2009 at 5:53am
Several blog posts coming out from the huddle ar listed at:
Comment by Benjamin Kwasi Addom on October 12, 2009 at 3:54pm
Hello Laurens,

Excellent document! Is it possible for us to get connected either through yahoo messenger or skype? I will like to talk you about your work. I am doing my dissertation research fieldwork in Ghana now and gathering interesting data from Researchers, local farmers, agricultural extension officers and a number of intermediaries as you mentioned.
I have taken a quick look at your document and will like us to talk.


Comment by Laurens Klerkx on October 11, 2009 at 5:39pm
Dear AgHuddle group,

while you were in Brussels discussing KS/KM in the agricultural sector, I was attending the Globelics conference in Dakar talking about similar topics. There I presented a UNU-MERIT working paper about the role of innovation brokers in agricultural innovation systems, which given the discussion above may be interesting for you. It can be retrieved through

I am looking forward to the outcomes of the Brussels workshop!


Comment by Benjamin Kwasi Addom on October 9, 2009 at 5:45pm
Sure! We are looking forward to hearing the outcomes of your deliberations.

Comment by Charles Dhewa on October 9, 2009 at 5:39pm
Hie Martine,

Thanks for you input. At the just finished Local Content Workshop which was an adjunct of the KM4DEV 2009 workshop, we have analysed ripples through which knowledge travels. It was truly enlightening. I am sure this is related to your interests.
Comment by Martine Poolman on October 9, 2009 at 12:54pm
Hello All, These indeed are very interesting points raised. As part of my PhD research I have been working on briding (part of) the gap between farmers, extension personnel and "outsiders" with useful information/knowledge. I've been working on developing a methodology which utilises the various sources of knowledge and brings them together to develop an plan that actually suits the situation. I'd like to share a video with you (which I've actually already sent to Ben) which is an introduction to what I've been doing:

What remains a bit open ended is how such an approach is actually taken up eventhough it was developed with farmers and ag.extension agents (who generally say they "like", "appreciate" and "enjoy" it). Taking part in the research is different from the actually application in the end.
Comment by John J W Mahegere on September 23, 2009 at 11:42am
Ben has raised an important point to me and I guess to everybody. The link between farmers (as generators and ultimate consumers of knowledge), the researchers and the extension personnel is almost non-existent in Tanzania. I can see Ghana is also facing the same situation. They are as if they do not need each other while in reality they are inseparable from one another. We will see how KM in agriculture could come in and help in breaking these shackles of lack of knowledge.

Peter: Theo Mlaki is long retired from the public service though he is out there self employed as he is not yet tired. Nevertheless I will convey your regards next time I meet him or talk to him over the phone.
Comment by Benjamin Kwasi Addom on September 22, 2009 at 10:42pm
Thanks Peter! I am seeing that as an issue here in the agricultural research-extension-farming system here in Ghana. Even though the researchers and the extension officers continue to pay lip service to the fact that farmers' are also another source of knowledge for the system, no formal/official effort has so far been made to utilize this source in the system. We can talk more on this when we meet.
Comment by Peter Ballantyne on September 22, 2009 at 6:10pm
Hello John, Welcome. Looking forward to hearing from you in the brussels aghuddle sessions. Please give my best regards to Theo Mlaki if you see him. tell him we follow his local content meeting held at COSTECH in 2002!
Comment by Peter Ballantyne on September 22, 2009 at 6:09pm
Hello Ben - Glad to hear from you. Would be good perhaps that you hear from you briefly on this question in the meeting in Brussels. In a short informal food for thought contribution. Is there a problem in people actually recognizing and valuing the many knowledge perspectives? Or are we all limited by our own worlds?

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