a global community
The group invites wider community in KM4Dev to contribute to the debate on challenges and opportunities that focuses on African development. We continue to explore innovative practices in sectors of agriculture, education etc with focus on ICT4 dev.
Members: 138
Latest Activity: Feb 15, 2022
Dear Collegues,
The recent KM4DEV space in Geneva was inspiring and very educative.
I thank most sincerely the HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation and other technical people who volunteered for their technical support b and success of the event. We will continue to refer and use the knowledge shared in this conference for sometime to come.
I will continue to encourage my colleagues from the south of fhe globe, mainly in Africa to forge partnerships in the area of KM4DEV and in areas that may have positive impact to the lives of the people.
Dean Mulozi
Lusaka, Zambia
The COVID-19 which emerged in Wuhan (China) towards the end of 2019 has since spread to other parts of the world and was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on the 11th March…Continue
Started by Dean Mulozi Nov 10, 2020.
Hi everyone,…Continue
Tags: profit, non, ICT4D, development, learning
Started by Gaurav Singh Aug 9, 2017.
Knowledge for Development without Borders (KFDWB) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) established in 2014 and based in Vienna, Austria. Our efforts to support sustainable development progress…Continue
Tags: skills, education, development, training
Started by Amouzou Bedi. Last reply by Dean Mulozi Apr 5, 2017.
Dear KM4Dev members, Following our exciting “African KM4Dev Community Week”, we have been sharing all…Continue
Started by Elias Damtew Assefa Apr 22, 2013.
Well farmers need to be given a platform to share their exeperinces we have tried it in Nakaseke whereby farmers are given one hour in day in a week ( Friday) to share thier experinces over the Community Radio.
the impact is very postive however, they also need to be guided by some technical person like a vet doctor or the agric. extension officer.
Farm radio, can employ all strategies , like use of community radio since they belong to farmers.
Hi all,
Have sent invitations to the Zambian ICT community and hope they will contribute and explore other areas in KM that enrich our status.
The KM community in many countries will bring out challenging and postive issues that will make benefit from each other.
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