a global community
Date: November 13-14, 2002
Location: ISNAR, The Hague, Netherlands
Sponsors: Bellanet, IICD, ISNAR
The workshop will focus on the experiences of development agencies in carrying out internal and/or external Knowledge Management initiatives.
If you would like to attend, please send an email both to my colleague Mark Faul (mfaul@bellanet.org) and to Monica Allmand (M.ALLMAND@CGIAR.ORG) indicating your wish to participate. I urge you to respond quickly as there has been a lot of interest in the workshop and we will not be able to accommodate much more than 50 participants. If there is a large response, we may also have to limit the number of attendees per institution.
A block of 20 rooms has been booked at the Novotel not far from ISNAR. Please indicate in your message whether you would like to take advantage of one of these bookings. Once again, a prompt response will avoid disappointment. ;-)
If you would like to tell a story of the progress you are making within your institution, please send me an email. As yet, the agenda is unformed but it will be focused on experience sharing so we'd like to hear what you are up to. As we only have two days, all presentations will necessarily have to be relatively brief to allow sufficient time for interaction.
If you are keen to be involved in the drafting of the agenda, we welcome you. Please send me an email if you would like to help. It will involve a few teleconferences and some email exchange. We will limit the group drafting the agenda to a maximum of 8 people for manageability's sake.
Peer Assists
Are you experiencing a particular problem in your KM initiative? Come and tap into the KM4DEV community to help brainstorm new ideas for dealing with it. If you would like to have a Peer Assist for a problematic aspect of your KM initiative, please send an email indicating your interest and a brief paragraph indicating the nature of the problem. We have found that "live" Peer Assists work extremely well in KM workshops both as a problem solving tool and a community building event.
Southern KM Practitioners
Would you like to nominate a southern-based KM practitioner to participate? Please feel free to suggest someone who you think should be invited. As yet, we have no funds to support the travel and accommodation costs of southern participants, so we also invite donors who think they might be able to cover some travel costs to reply.
Last updated by kmfordev admin Jun 1, 2009.
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