Amor Grace Babaran
  • Female
  • Dipolog City
  • Philippines
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  • Alma B. Familara
  • Holger Nauheimer
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Amor Grace Babaran's Discussions

Being indigenous doesn't mean being indigent
1 Reply

Indigenous people are the offspring and heirs of the peoples who have first inhabited the land long before any central government was established.Indigenous peoples share common bonds of language,…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Tariq Zaman Apr 15, 2010.


Amor Grace Babaran's Page

Profile Information

Name (Do NOT forget to upload a picture; that helps being admitted to KM4Dev)
Amor Grace Babaran
Department of Agrarian Reform
Organization Type
Government agency/Bilateral
Organization URL
Areas of KM Expertise
Narrative & Storytelling, Workshop Facilitation
Email ID
Skype ID
Other Interests
Knowledge Sharing
Languages Spoken
Filipino, English

Amor Grace Babaran's Blog

Calamansi: The Green Jewel of Nazareth

The Assistant Regional Director for Operations of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) Regional Office IX, Engr. Agnes Y. Maata, presented the topic “Calamansi: The Green Jewel of Nazareth” during the Knowledge Learning Market 3 at SM Megamall, Mega Hall Trade 3, Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, Philippines. The session that started at 3:30pm ended at 4:00pm; Knowledge Facilitators Amina Bidin of WMCIP and Evy R. Elago of NMCIREMP on October 20, 2009 served as hosts.

She talked about… Continue

Posted on October 26, 2009 at 3:56am

A Farmer’s Diligent Hand

Written by: Amor Grace B. Babaran

A farmer’s hand is his most important instrument. But not all farmers use theirs fully. Alfredo Mariño Segovia is more of an exception.

“Life is difficult before, when the New People’s Army (NPA) invaded our barangay and took over our farm. I have no other choice but to vacate our farm and leave the area temporarily. All I have is faith that someday, God will restore everything and make everything better. I am complete, I have two… Continue

Posted on September 10, 2009 at 8:55am

Comment Wall (3 comments)

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At 7:31pm on September 23, 2015, barron moon said…
es bueno verte aquí. ¿Si podría tener un deseo, quisiera despertar todos los días con el sonido de su respiración en mi cuello, eres hermosa!, podemos ser amigos? ¿Mi nombre es luna Barron, soy un Soldier.Please,Can de UN marino tengo su ID de correo electrónico para que podamos comunicarnos desde allí? Mi id de correo electrónico es (barronmoon(AT) espero oír de usted.
Bye con amor
Barron Luna.

is nice meeting you here.If I could have just one wish,I would wish to wake up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck,you are beautiful!can we be friends?My name is Barron Moon,i am a UN marine Soldier.Please,Can i have your email ID so that we can communicate from there? My email id is (barronmoon(AT) I look forward hearing from you.
Bye With love
Barron Moon.
At 7:51pm on December 28, 2009, Pat Jewett said…
I think it is sad when the US media focuses on selfish things like medical insurance/short term medical reform when so many people worldwide are suffering far worse. If the story doesn't sell superbowl packages , it goes untold. That is why Ii enjoy reading first hand stories from bloggers like you. It keeps me in touch with the real world. Good luck to you and your family.
At 4:33pm on December 24, 2009, Syed Lutful Kabir Chowdhury said…

How much opportunity in Philippine available to worked as micro finace expert?

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