a global community
If you are involved in research communications and uptake in any way you may be interested in completing the following survey on R4D:…Continue
Tags: uptake, communications, research, r4d
Started Sep 1, 2011
Research to Action is currently conducting a website survey as we gear up for phase 2 of the initiative. If you are familiar with the www.researchtoaction.org website we would be most grateful if you could provide some feedback. It will only take 3-5mins and would be massively valuable to us!
You can access the survey here:…
ContinuePosted on January 21, 2014 at 1:27pm
There is an event currently underway in Hamilton, Canada that brings together Knowledge practitioners from many different sectors to explore the concept of 'Kstar'. For those of you new to the concept, the following video provides a useful intorduction to the term:
It would be really interesting to…
ContinuePosted on April 26, 2012 at 3:42pm
It’s amazing how the process of answering simple questions can help you uncover so much complexity. It’s rather like a child lifting a large stone to reveal all kinds of creep crawly things that they never knew existed. Unfortunately, when developing a Theory of Change (ToC) we don’t have the choice, like children, to leave those things alone we don’t like the look of. Developing a ToC gives us the opportunity to address problems, complexity, and opportunities that exist…
ContinuePosted on February 21, 2012 at 1:52pm
Conducting the Research Communications and Uptake Survey provided a fascinating insight into the current ‘state of play’ between what people think they know about research communications and uptake, and what they would like to know more of. This survey was conducted during the first two weeks of September 2011 and returned over 100 responses. It would be wonderful if these results were the impetus behind a wider discussion,…
ContinuePosted on November 1, 2011 at 11:47am
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I trust that you are all doing well!
I have got your e-mails on km4dev.org when I was searching for virtual communities of practice for my research survey. My name is Hermon B. Ogbamichael. I am a student at Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) in Cape Town, South Africa. I am trying to do a research on how to efficiently exchange knowledge in virtual communities of practice (like that of km4dev.org...). Therefore, I would really appreciate if you assist me in filling the survey that I developed (will only take maximum 20 minutes...). Please follow the link below to fill in the survey:
I also highly appreciate if you can forward this to other VCoP members who are involved in knowledge/information exchange.
Best Regards,
Hermon B. Ogbamichael
Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Student No: 201083922
South Africa