Barbara Fillip
  • Female
  • Arlington, VA
  • United States
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May 15, 2020
Barbara Fillip updated their profile
May 15, 2020

Profile Information

Name (Do NOT forget to upload a picture; that helps being admitted to KM4Dev)
Barbara Fillip
Director, Knowledge Management
Chemonics International
Organization Type
Private Sector
Organization URL
Areas of KM Expertise
Organisational Learning, Social Web/Web 2.0, Collaborative Technologies, Communities of Practice, Knowledge Capture, Narrative & Storytelling, Workshop Facilitation, KM Strategies, Evaluating and Monitoring KM
Email ID
Languages Spoken
French & English
This image is what I use to explain the evolution of my career. That includes things outside of "WORK" that are still part of what I consider my professional life.

As of 7/09, my work is focused on the knowledge management component (not in a development-related context). I work as a contractor (Library Associates Co.) for NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. We do workshops, training and case studies (No IT). Outside of work I have finally graduated from fiction doodling to fiction experimentation. I'm working on a didactic novel focused on knowledge management. It's called Learning Log. I've posted Learning Log version 0.5 on my site.

Barbara Fillip's Blog

Knowledge Management & Organizational Learning in Small Organizations

Small organizations present challenges with regards to knowledge management (KM) and organizational learning (OL) but they also offer substantial opportunities. While a small organization may not be able to have staff dedicated full time to KM/OL, it is also likely to have better knowledge flows than much larger organizations.  How can small organizations optimize KM/OL without full time dedicated staff?

I am looking for partner organizations to conduct action research in small…


Posted on September 11, 2017 at 5:37pm — 1 Comment

Learning Log 1.5

It's September 09 and while I have technically finished writing Learning Log, it is not ready for publication. What I have done, however, is to write a short White Paper to try to explain how the novel could be used in the context of a course or a workshop.

Integration Didactic Fiction in Structured Training: Illustrated with Learning Log, a Knowledge Management Novel.…


Posted on September 12, 2009 at 9:28pm

Fiction for Development

In fantasy land, I would be making a living writing didactic short stories or full size novels about development themes. In real life, I make it up as I go along.

In Learning Log, the didactic novel I'm finishing ... WILL FINISH by September 09, the main… Continue

Posted on July 3, 2009 at 11:18am

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At 7:55pm on September 19, 2018, SENAME Atsu said…

Bonjour Barbara,


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