Organisational Learning, Online Facilitation, Collaborative Technologies, Participatory Decision-Making, Communities of Practice, Research, Knowledge Capture, Narrative & Storytelling, Information Management, Workshop Facilitation, KM Strategies, Evaluating and Monitoring KM, Thematic/Knowledge Networks, Other
Email ID
Skype ID
Other Interests
marathon, chess, hiking
Languages Spoken
Filipino, English, Spanish
Comment Wall (5 comments)
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Eribert, would you be available on Monday, October 19, 7-8pm, at teh Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, TechnoHub branch (along Commonwealth Ave. just across PHILCOA)?
Hi Eribert! Sorry I got confused with the names. When are you available and where are you based at? Do you know of other KM4Dvrs based here in Manila? or you might know of anyuone who is interested to join.
I’m Wini Dagli, a member of the KM4Dev based here in Quezon City. I was one of the KM4Dev’rs who were in Brussels last week for our annual community gathering. It would be good to sound-out what we have accomplished in Brussels and to also know your thoughts about setting-up a “KM4Dev Pilipinas,” something like a local chapter of the global KM4Dev community of practice.
If you think this is an idea worth pursuing, maybe we can have a chat in a coffee shop here in Quezon City or in a place that is most accessible to everyone.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Wini Dagli
+639175608332;; 02-927-9644
Comment Wall (5 comments)
You need to be a member of Knowledge Management for Development to add comments!
Join Knowledge Management for Development
I’m Wini Dagli, a member of the KM4Dev based here in Quezon City. I was one of the KM4Dev’rs who were in Brussels last week for our annual community gathering. It would be good to sound-out what we have accomplished in Brussels and to also know your thoughts about setting-up a “KM4Dev Pilipinas,” something like a local chapter of the global KM4Dev community of practice.
If you think this is an idea worth pursuing, maybe we can have a chat in a coffee shop here in Quezon City or in a place that is most accessible to everyone.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Wini Dagli
+639175608332;; 02-927-9644