Paul J Corney's Blog (31)

Under the skin of: Religion, the EU and Democracy in Sudan

Reflections, space and sabbaticals beside the sea in Eastbourne

I do some of my best thinking on my daily ‘walk to work’. It’s a ritual I’ve followed from my early days as a commuter and I’ve found that, no matter what I am working on (or where), this reflection time is vital. I’m fortunate; I live close to the sea (in Eastbourne & LIsbon) and today as the tide was going out the scent of moss on rocks and seaweed filled the air.…


Added by Paul J Corney on February 14, 2020 at 5:26pm — No Comments

“When 60 seconds seems like an eternity”: making the most of networking opportunities

Earlier this week I was invited to run a session for the business community where I live in the UK.

Here's the account of that session which I hope is useful for many in the KM4Dev community who get limited 'facetime' with decision makers and need to make an immediate impact!

Today I had the opportunity to help the business community in Eastborune, Sussex. Eastbourne Chamber of Commerce (the…


Added by Paul J Corney on August 22, 2019 at 2:08pm — No Comments

How KM can help with urban regeneration: 10 tips for engaging with the community

That was before we acquired a place in Lisbon in 2011 and saw the dramatic impact Urban or Street Art can…


Added by Paul J Corney on December 17, 2018 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Combating the forces of fakism / Saucy dinner with Chefs Academy winner: Just 2 of the highlights from KM Summit 18

Last week was fun. It started with a Masterclass, jointly presented with Eric Hunter, and continued at the first combined KMUK / KM Legal event now styled the KM Summit expertly compiled by Nick Stone which I had the pleasure of closing.

I took away

  • A sense that KM’ers are becoming increasingly agile: despite the onrush of technological disintermediation there is still a role (especially around the 4 ‘ates – Facilitate, Collaborate, Communicate and Curate).
  • The…

Added by Paul J Corney on May 24, 2018 at 8:14pm — No Comments

AI driven expertise & profiling: hype, hope or déjà vu?

May was a busy month. Apart from helping establish then launch a real estate and mortgage business (Bees Homes) I was in Lisboa for Social Now and London for KM Legal UK.

I attended both in the expectation of learning more about the onrush of Artificial Intelligence and its implications for the Knowledge Management profession.

Specifically, I wanted to see how the encouragingly styled Talent and Knowledge…


Added by Paul J Corney on June 7, 2017 at 9:18pm — No Comments

The Power of Postcards

Growing up, one of the chores I associated with holidays was the sending of postcards to family and friends. With no social media or smart phones, we kept in touch via letters and cards.  Yet the postcard is still highly effective as it is a tactile, non-technological and versatile object.

Here’s a few examples of how I have used it over the past few years:

To prompt future stories

Often at big events (especially the annual corporate 'show and tell') delegates…


Added by Paul J Corney on March 19, 2017 at 11:22am — No Comments

"You have the wrong passport": KM in Khartoum

I've been in Khartoum. I was there as President Trump announced the ban on travellers from 7 countries which included Sudan. The impact on morale (a week after the outgoing Obama administration had eased sanctions on the country) was palpable. Bans don't hit the powerful they hit ordinary people with families overseas or like many I spoke to who visit the US for work or research.

a week on "Managing Knowledge in a Connected World"

So it was a poignant backdrop to the week…


Added by Paul J Corney on February 9, 2017 at 12:16pm — No Comments

Managing networks and Working Out Loud: Collaboration and Knowledge Matchmaking skills

The world is shrinking. At any given moment I know where many of my friends and colleagues are. Technological footprints are heavy and long lasting.

This week for example I see that Arthur Shelley is in Moscow with Ron Young at KM Russia, Donald Clark is in Belfast picking up an award, Phil Hill is getting fit (ter) in Thailand, Patrick Lambe is having breakfast in Lisboa. Gregga Baxter and his wife are supporters of WaterHealth in India.



Added by Paul J Corney on December 16, 2016 at 2:14pm — No Comments

Three varied (and I hope interesting) thought pieces

A recent email exchange with Eva reminded me that I have not been updating this space with some of the relevant blogs I've written over the past few months. Rather than reproduce them in full here's three of the highlights with links in case you are interested:

“Anytime, anywhere, any device”: Working smarter in a knowledge…


Added by Paul J Corney on October 25, 2016 at 4:05pm — No Comments

"Brexit, Bollywood and the need for Assisted Search"

I recently wrote a Blog Post  I think might be of use to members of KM4Dev dealing as it does with the challenges around finding stuff in organisations.

I hope its of use.


Added by Paul J Corney on June 3, 2016 at 3:09pm — No Comments

A ‘newbie’s guide to Tweet Chat hosting (on Knowledge Capture & Retention)

I first worked in the City in 1972 as a summer intern in the cheque processing arm of Lloyds Bank Ltd.  No typing, just machine minding!

15 years later I was sitting in the machine room of the Marriott Hotel in Jeddah faxing, over an encryted line, a confidential trip memo for my secretary to type up and distribute to selected directors.  Laptops were only just appearing on the market and as for typing, Managers in those days didn’t. If you wanted to communicate confidential…


Added by Paul J Corney on March 4, 2016 at 1:19pm — No Comments

How to become better informed and smarter: from lessons identified to lessons learned

Most organisations go down the Knowledge Capture route – they create buckets (increasingly in SharePoint) to store what they have captured to make sure that the best knowledge is available when a bid, a presentation or a decision is to be made.  And that’s fine as far as it goes. Rarely do organisations add on the Knowledge Harvesting step.

This post examines the how and the why:…


Added by Paul J Corney on September 30, 2014 at 6:45pm — No Comments

Are charities doing more harm than good by using images and stories of vulnerable children? From a knowledge cafe discussion at Plan-UK.

I went to a very interesting event on Wednesday evening on a subject that touches everyone in the development and charitable sectors. My comments can be found here:

Added by Paul J Corney on December 14, 2012 at 4:11pm — No Comments

Closing exercise at KMUK 2012: 'getting wet in the shallow end'

In case this helps others, here's a blog about how I closed KMUK 2012.

I hope its of use?


Added by Paul J Corney on July 8, 2012 at 9:35pm — No Comments

'taking the plunge'

Here's an account of the swimming pool icebreaker exercise I used to launch KMUK 2012.

Added by Paul J Corney on June 18, 2012 at 10:32am — No Comments

Olympics, KM and the Mexican Wave

Added by Paul J Corney on June 10, 2012 at 5:15pm — No Comments

story collectors guide: renewed momentum

A few weeks ago in Bogota I met a team from the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) to discuss the timetable for completing the story collectors guide first conceived during the second half of 2011.

Check out CIAT's blog on the subject.

Added by Paul J Corney on June 7, 2012 at 9:08am — No Comments

'I cried for an hour...'

My observations from 5th Knowledge Management & Organizational Learning Summit Bogota. 

Added by Paul J Corney on May 21, 2012 at 6:22pm — 2 Comments

short questions that say a lot

One technique Sparknow uses when trying to understand how information and knowledge flows in and around an organization is to ask a set of short simple ‘vox pop’ questions. They are short questions, the answers to which are usually very insightful.

I am going to be asking a few in Colombia this week and would like to widen the net to include the KM4Dev community.  If you are interested in joining in please post a comment here: …


Added by Paul J Corney on May 14, 2012 at 7:35pm — No Comments

Sparknow offers seven (a magical, storied number) lessons about organizational storytelling.

Added by Paul J Corney on May 1, 2012 at 8:52am — No Comments

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We all get a great deal out of our engagement in KM4Dev. Maybe you would be happy to express appreciation through a regular voluntary contribution. Crowd funding works! 

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