a global community
Text by Melba Alvarez Pagella, IFAD. Twitter @Alvarez_Pagella
Photos, edition and coordiination by Cesar Robles, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation. Twitter @cesarroblesb
The second day of the K4D Conference opened with Session 5, featuring presentations from a multistakeholder perspective by representatives of the World Economic Forum, the DiploFoundation, the World Bank, CREEC and K4D in Uganda, and Knowledge for Development without Borders.
In Session 6, best practices in cross-sectoral knowledge management were presented as follows: the United Nations Development Programme on the Arab Knowledge Project; the Dubai Police on integrated knowledge management approach at the Ministry of Interior of the United Arab Emirates; REEP on the Climate Knowledge Brokers Group; the European Commission on capacity for development; the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification on the capacity-building marketplace and the last presentation was delivered by the Chair of Dgroups Foundation.
Session 7 comprised a dialogue on the way forward and it was designed as a World Café, which was highly interactive, dynamic and greatly appreciated by participants. Watch the recording of the live-sreaming (from Periscope/Twitter):
Recorded live-streaming of World Cafe #k4d2017Geneva Powerful discussions! https://t.co/r5qxiNHotT
— Cesar Robles (@cesarroblesb) April 4, 2017
Session 8 was designed as a Fish Bowl discussion in which the learning of the Conference was summarized and next steps were discussed.
To close the Conference, a representative of George Washington University delivered a presentation on K4D Vision 2030 at the nexus of theory, policy, practices and politics. Cesar Robles then presented the results of the social reporting done for this conference, highlighting that twitter hashtag reach 160,000 accounts, just on the second day of the event. And last, Andreas Brander and Petru Dumitriu officially closed the Conference.
See also the event's videos , photos, agenda, presentations and twitter overview (tagboard / storify )
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