a global community
It is increasingly well recognised that Web 2.0 has dramatically changed the way that development research results are being both assembled and disseminated. A recent i-Guide from the IDRC called What Are Web 2.0 Tools and Why They Should be Incorporated into the Research highlights the use of Web 2.0 tools in all aspects of the research process:
“Research that ignores web 2.0 not only loses potential partners and existing research inputs available in web 2.0 universe, but also loses on audience, possibilities of impact on public policies, but eventually also attention of partners and funders who like to support ‘visible’ projects with visible effects.”
Social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, etc) and other web 2.0 tools (wikis, Google Docs) have now become spaces where the key research recipients have their ears to the ground and, when made accessible online and presented properly, evidence and research conclusions can reach a global audience within hours.
But not only can Web 2.0 help researchers reach an audience, it can also provide tools and opportunity for them to learn more about that audience and their prior knowledge, their expectations and, importantly, their wants and needs...
Read the original post on Research to Action.
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