a global community
From: Ujol Sherchan <usherchan@icimod.org >
Subject: Resource: ICIMOD 2013 Photo Contest Online Gallery on “Water” Themes
Dear All,
The International Centre for Integrate Mountain Development (ICIMOD) 2013 Photo Contest Online Gallery (http://www.icimod.org/photocontest/2013/page/gallery) showcases about 2,900 entries (digital images) taken in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region and submitted under the following thematic categories:
1) Uses or benefits of water or related resources;
2) Hazards, conflicts, or issues related to water (or lack thereof); and
3) Good practices in water or related risk management.
As “seeing is believing”, browsing the online photo gallery will, I think, give the viewer a good understanding of diverse aspects of water or related resources in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region in terms of their uses and benefits; various ways they interact with society and ecosystems; and associated hazards and issues, not to mention good practices in water or related risk management.
Happy viewing!
Best regards,
Ujol Sherchan
Email: usherchan@icimod.org
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