[HimalAndes Focused Conversation] Week 2 Program

Dear KM4Dev Members,

We're wrapping up Week 1 of our 3-week Focused Conversation. Toward the end
of the day we will circulate a brief summary of the week. For now, it is my
pleasure to send you the agenda for Week 2: a week that features a great
variety of inspiring and thought-provoking case studies!

We are very grateful to those who have participated in the conversation
thus far and we look forward to a livelier discussion next week.

Felipe Custer

*Week 2 Program: Sep 30 – Oct 4*

*Sep 30*

·         Introduction to Week 2:  Traditional Knowledge Sharing on Water
management in the Andes and Himalayas  by Dr. Ana Maria Ponce, KM4Dev Core
Group Member****

** **

·         Himalayas: Innovations and challenges on water security and
management across Nepal , by Paribesh Pradhan, Founder of Annapurna

 *Oct 1*

·         Andes: The importance and the role of water sources in the Inca
Road System (Qhapaq Ñan) and its successful management, in the region of
Cajamarca, Peru, since pre-Hispanic times, by Guillermo Castro, Founder of
the Qhapac Nan Patronage****

 *Oct 2*

 ·         Himalayas: Forests and Water: Securing a Balance in Mountain
Ecosystems, by Kalyan Paul, co-founder Pan Himalayan Grassroots Development

 *Oct 3*

 ·         Andes: Indigenous Systems for local weather forecast and
strategies of adaptation to climate change in Southern Peru, by Ramiro
Ortega, Executive Director, Instituto de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo
Sustentable de los Agro ecosistemas Andinos , Antarki.****

 *Oct 4*

 ·         Weekly Summary No. 2, by Dr. Ana Maria Ponce

Views: 78


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