KM4Dev a dispersed community? Members, an appeal!

Dear all

I happen to be on the Core group since some years. I participated in 3 KM4Dev face to face events. I sit on the 3 persons steering group of the CTLab activity running this year (2012). I volunteer regularly as monthly KM4Dev administrator (mainly to manage the dGroup). I think I contribute regularly on various conversations within our community...

There is the word: community

And yet... after so many years I'm still not sure whether KM4Dev is, what I would immediately perceive as a, community.

Is it? What do you feel?


an appeal:

All of you that have sufficiently good internet access, I'd like to invite you to post a profile picture. It may be a male thing, though I also understand it is a learning thing: visual helps.

So please visit your own page / profile and check if all other community members can recognize you - if they so wish - by your profile picture.

So many of us havn't uploaded a profile picture yet, and it looks so anonymous... to me at least.

Give it a try: 

Views: 79


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Comment by Kenneth Francis Masuki on November 6, 2012 at 10:17am

Dear Peter

I do share with you the same feeling. Some people for one reason or the other would not like t be fully identified in such groups something which I do feel is killing the spirit of community. As a community we need to share common understanding and values to build a strong social capital.

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