a global community
Many Donor organizations and countries of the world have been donating or lending billions of money as aid for long time in many third world countries and underdeveloped and developing countries for organising various types of social and economical development programs including poverty alleviation. Many countries do their development works by using the foreign assistances. There are many NGOs and Government Organisations establish for doing various types of development activities including poverty alleviation programs or works. We know, the aid expectant organisations prepare several project proposals and generally donor organisations or countries approve those proposals doing some changes or not to do any changes and give them fund, donation or debt to implement those programs/projects. After getting fund, those organizations or authorities try to finish their project within the project tenure and they publish a beautiful and good looking (successful!!!) project completion report and send it to funding organizations and many others organizations and authorities desiring further assistances for upcoming another projects.
But what are the roles of fund raiser organizations or authorities in the time of project implementation??????
Only doing MONITORING works or show some pattern of monitoring activities!!!!!!!!!!!!
What are the results of those projects? What are the achievements? In which purpose Donors give the funds? Have the implementers successfully completed those projects? What are the outcomes? Are those completed projects or programs bringing positive and helpful results for the related people, societies and the countries? What are the real pictures of our poor and non developed countries?
There are many questions arrive. Years after years, Donors have been funding huge amount of money in many countries for various types of social and economical development matters including poverty alleviation. In spite of huge amount of donations, debts, aid and foreign assistances, yet there are no rational achievements of desired results in most of the foreign assistances taking countries. It is true, if the disbursed money and other assistances used in precise way and the donors and projects implementers gave their 100 % efforts to catch the expected projects goals and worked for bringing positive results for man kind, also for the society and countries, then there were some positive outcomes must be come in those countries. But the real pictures are not like that.
Where are the problems? Corruption is a common word and easy process to do in the developing and under developed country. Is it true there are various types of problems in NGO management and corruptions are already entered in there?
Or, what? – Unskilled country offices of Donor agencies? I want to believe that our every branch of our donor agencies is skilled.
Maybe our honourable Donor organizations and countries never search the answers of those questions!!!! Disbursing only huge amount of money as voluntary perspective is not the greatest work, but when that money help to improve the current circumstances of the target people and related society and area then the action of Donors come as a true greatest work.
But when the assistances of Donors cannot bring the proper results for which they disbursed fund, then we should rethink about it. Our honourable Donors should rethink and rearrange their actions for poverty alleviation and several types of social and economical development works in the developing and under developed countries. Their assistances should not bring fruitless results; they should gain their expected results for man kind and creating a better world for all by their successful efforts.
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