Scholarships for on-line course: How to build a policy influence plan

Are you interested in enhancing the influence of your research in public policies? Have you ever wondered if there are specific methodologies and tools that help policy research
institutions prioritize and better focus influence activities so as to move more
smartly in complex and changing policy


The project “Spaces for Engagement: Using knowledge to improve pro poor public ... is a GDNet initiative, implemented in Latin America by CIPPEC will award 15 scholarships to participate
in the online course “How to build a
policy influence plan”
to participants from Asian and African policy
research institutions.


This online course will help participants improve their  policy influence planning capacity by providing them with concrete tools to analyze context threats and opportunities, key
stakeholders and their power/interests, and define feasible policy influence
goals. It also shares lessons learned about innovative and diversified
strategies and activities used by researchers and policy research institutions
to inform policymaking with the evidence they


With a combination of cutting edge theoretical materials and practical exercises, the course will also seek to facilitate debate and exchange among participants and


For further information, please read the attached TORsTors%20online%20course.pdf

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Comment by waled on January 12, 2011 at 11:09am

Dear, Clara Richards

I'm very much interested to attend the on-line course, namely "How to build apolicy influence plan" and wanted to apply for scholarship. Please let me know, how can i apply; I couldn't read the attached ToR, which sent as pdf form. Would you please email me the english version of the ToR. your cooperation would be appreciated. thaks and regards, Waled mahmud
Comment by waled on January 12, 2011 at 11:05am
I'm very much interested to attend thee on-line course ans wanted to apply for scholarship. Please let me know, how can i apply; I couldn't read the attached ToR, which sent as pdf form. Would you please email me the english version of the ToR. your cooperation would be appreciated. thaks and regards, Waled mahmud

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