Taking stock of KM strategies - https://km4meu.wordpress.com/2015/02/08/km-strategy_taking-stock/

A lot of people on KM4Dev and outside are wondering how (and if) to develop a KM strategy.

I faced the same issues a while back, so I started pulling together resources that I found interesting on this topic and turned them into a blog post. 

Sorry for the self-promotion here but the point is this could be very useful to many KM4Devers: 


And please let me know what other guidance documents and other bits you found useful in developing KM strategies :)



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Comment by Nancy Alexander on March 14, 2017 at 6:56am

There are many Knowledge automation and management platform available in the market, Knobis is one of them. Please see short video of Knobis to know how KM platform works?


Also please feel free to ask any questions related with KM on: nancy.alexander@bellurbistech.com

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