Thinking about the July 29-31 KM4Dev Seattle Workshop

(Image... float plan coming in for landing on Lake Union, approaching from the South. Our workshop space is just off to the right...)

Every time I get an email telling me someone else has registered for our Seattle workshop, I get excited. Different organizations, familiar names, new names -- I can't wait to spend time learning with and from each person.

The workshop team has been working via email, wiki and Skype to get the logistics in order, a Poster Session invitation out (proposals due June 13th), an Open Space agenda drafting space on the wiki, and I've been working on logistics. We have a great big open meeting room with windows and wifi at the REI flagship store (one of the longest running cooperatives for outdoor equipment and a great steward of our natural open spaces!)


What has most inspired me, though, have been the conversations on the KM4Dev DGroup list talking about things that MATTER to us as KM/KS practitioners IN development. And the thought that we'll weave those conversations online into our offline spaces. That means those of us F2F need to steward what we learn back online.  


Are you thinking about coming to Seattle? Say YES! Are you interested in helping steward the links between online and offline? We have 2 free registrations to people who will commit to actively helping us do this. Let me know if you are interested!



Views: 337


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Comment by Nancy White on June 3, 2013 at 4:14pm

Email was no problem, but here is the error I get on your page:

Http Status Code: 404

Reason: File not found or unable to read file

Just FYI. Invitation to follow later today!

Comment by John Emeka Akude on June 3, 2013 at 3:35pm

Hey Nancy,

my colleague just checked and said that our URL is in order. He also said that if you wanna send me a mail, it has nothing to do with our URL. He also said that mails might take time coming to us but this is because the server is overworked and relatively slow, but doesn't have anything to do with our URL. Please I still expect a mail with an invitation to the conference. Cheers

Comment by John Emeka Akude on June 3, 2013 at 3:23pm

Okay Nancy,

I will get one of my colleagues from the computer department to check it. But which error does it show? I just got this mail from you that led me here. Cheers

Comment by Nancy White on June 3, 2013 at 3:17pm

Hi John - I sent you a message. Just one thing, I get an error when I try and access your page. Could you please check that URL? Thanks

Comment by John Emeka Akude on June 3, 2013 at 12:13pm

Dear Nancy,

I would really like to attend this Juli 29-31 conference under the condition that I get invited. Could you help me with this? By the way, I am a senior researcher at the German Development Institute and just started researching on the issue of Knowledge for Development since the beginning of this year. You could access my homepage: If you would send me an invitation, please send it to If this is not the appropriate channel to solicit for invitations, please help me with information.

Cheers, John.

Comment by Nancy White on May 28, 2013 at 6:14pm

Ese, that is fantastic. I'm going to let Petr Kosina know as he is helping get that organized. YAY YA YA! And thanks!

Comment by Ese Emerhi on May 28, 2013 at 5:32pm

Very excited to come in July. And though I have already registered, I am interested in helping with stewarding the links between the online and offline conversations.

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