a global community
Food security and other development professionals increasingly realize that they must use communications strategically for their work to have maximum impact. While most organizations have invested heavily in analysis and research, many still need to enhance their communications to ensure their findings reach their intended users and action is taken.
This practical toolkit helps food security professionals develop a communication strategy and communicate more effectively with their…
ContinuePosted on November 5, 2012 at 11:33am
In April 2010, IFAD and FAO launched a joint programme to provide people working on poverty reduction projects, with the skills and tools required to gather and share knowledge gleaned from their projects. Different workshops in knowledge sharing techniques, writing effectively for different audiences, and systematisation were held in 2011.
The last workshop was a "training of trainers" session, which specifically aimed to upscale the whole process. Participants of…
ContinuePosted on March 24, 2012 at 8:02am
Short and sweet - please feel free to reuse or distribute them in your training events
> Communities of Practice
> After Action Reviews and Retrospects…
Posted on April 20, 2011 at 12:40pm — 6 Comments
This complete course is available for free at www.foodsec.org/dl
It is aimed at development professionals - especially those working on fields related to food security. The course includes sections on:
Posted on April 8, 2011 at 3:13pm
note if the donate link above does not work for you, click here on donate! and at the bottom of that page click on the donate logo
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es bueno verte aquí. ¿Si podría tener un deseo, quisiera despertar todos los días con el sonido de su respiración en mi cuello, eres hermosa!, podemos ser amigos? ¿Mi nombre es luna Barron, soy un Soldier.Please,Can de UN marino tengo su ID de correo electrónico para que podamos comunicarnos desde allí? Mi id de correo electrónico es (barronmoon(AT)hotmail.com) espero oír de usted.
Bye con amor
Barron Luna.
is nice meeting you here.If I could have just one wish,I would wish to wake up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck,you are beautiful!can we be friends?My name is Barron Moon,i am a UN marine Soldier.Please,Can i have your email ID so that we can communicate from there? My email id is (barronmoon(AT)hotmail.com) I look forward hearing from you.
Bye With love
Barron Moon.
Can you believe it? I still cannot download the one-pagers from the fao website. It just times out. I suppose I'm specifically interested in the way information for learning is condensed such that the most important aspects of the information transfer are preferred, and the process remains efficient, but at the same time the words condensed act as a springboard for interests, discussion, etc.