Holger Nauheimer
  • Male
  • Berlin, Germany
  • Germany
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Holger Nauheimer's Friends

  • hsingh
  • Christian DE NEEF
  • Amor Grace Babaran
  • Artur Silva
  • Karen Schmidt
  • Steve Banhegyi
  • Allison Hewlitt
  • Bernhard Weber
  • Binetou Diagne
  • Joitske Hulsebosch
  • Stephan Dohrn
  • Christian Kreutz
  • Simone Staiger-Rivas
  • Nancy White

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Profile Information

Name (Do NOT forget to upload a picture; that helps being admitted to KM4Dev)
Holger Nauheimer
Change Facilitation
Organization Type
Private Sector
Organization URL
Areas of KM Expertise
Organisational Learning, Social Web/Web 2.0, Participatory Decision-Making, Communities of Practice, Workshop Facilitation, Change Management, Evaluating and Monitoring KM
Skype ID
Blog URL
Languages Spoken
English, Spanish

Holger Nauheimer's Blog

Introducing the Change Journey

Today is the day of the official inauguration of the Change Journey.

My colleague Vesa Purokuru and I have worked for the last year to present you this meta model to change processes. It does not replace any other model or tool - it incorporates the entire wisdom and knowledge that exists on the dynamics of change processes.

The Change Journey is a radical approach to change. It is based on the paradigm that… Continue

Posted on March 2, 2010 at 1:00pm

1000 years in Bali - an example of a complex adaptive system

Here is a great practical example of collective intelligence crafting an irrigation system and a democratic over the period of 1000 years. Stephen Lansing, and anthropologist from University of Arizona with some fascinating insights about a complex adaptive… Continue

Posted on July 15, 2009 at 7:28pm

Comment Wall (4 comments)

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At 5:44pm on July 9, 2009, Lucie Lamoureux said…
Hi Holger,

I've asked a friend who is familiar with Ning and he doesn't think it can be done (to only change the language for one group). I'm afraid that I'm leaving on mission to India and won't be able to spend anymore time researching this until July 20. Can you try from your end to see if you can find out? Sorry about this. ..
At 9:56am on July 9, 2009, Lucie Lamoureux said…
Hi again Holger,

I have found the place where I can upgrade you to Admin except that is says that Group Administrators have a similar level of control to the Group Creator, which you are. So technically, you should be able to add widgets etc.
At 12:24am on July 1, 2009, Nancy White said…
Welcome into the new space. I'm sorry I could not participate in the book project. Just too many balls up in the air this week.
At 6:28pm on June 30, 2009, Lucie Lamoureux said…
Hi Holger,

Sounds like a great idea! Go right ahead and create a group.


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