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My name is Ewen Le Borgne. On top of being a KM4Dev core group member and editor of the KM4Dev journal, I work for the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in Addis Ababa. I am contacting you because I saw that you are also based in Ethiopia.
Me and my colleague Peter Ballantyne would like to stimulate the cooperation of all KM/KS and communication specialists in the development sector, particularly but not only agriculture. As part of this we would like to organise a first event in late January to invite all such motivated people to come and join, mingle and share. We hope that this will mark the start of more regular cooperation among all of us KM/KS/comms people in Ethiopia.
If you are interested, could you please contact me by email (e.leborgne@cgiar.org) so I can send you the invitation for that gathering? There will most likely be also an announcement on the KM4Dev Ning and mailing list very soon.
Hoping to see you join forces with us!
Ewen Le Borgne