E-learning has become the protagonist for change and serve as an avenue for the creation, storing and sharing of knowledge among members of the university communities. This study sought to explore the deployment and adoption of e-learning to facilitate knowledge creation, storage and sharing in Ghanaian universities. The survey and mixed method research approach were used to collect data from stratified sampled respondents of the universities. The general population for this study comprised all the categories of the universities in Ghana: public and private. The study established that the awareness, adoption and usage of e-learning to facilitate knowledge management (creation, processing, sharing and storage) at the universities were very high. In addition, there were adequate technology and infrastructure to support the e-learning at the universities. The study also established that the e-learning systems have benefited and enhanced teaching and learning at the universities. Despite these, the study established that the universities encountered some challenges in the implementation and usage of the e-learning systems. However, by implementing sound measures such as increasing the internet bandwidth; and providing adequate and functioning computers, these challenges can be solved.
The Deployment and Adoption of E-Learning Systems in Ghanaian Universities
by De-Graft Johnson Amenuveve Dei
Sep 8, 2019
E-learning has become the protagonist for change and serve as an avenue for the creation, storing and sharing of knowledge among members of the university communities. This study sought to explore the deployment and adoption of e-learning to facilitate knowledge creation, storage and sharing in Ghanaian universities. The survey and mixed method research approach were used to collect data from stratified sampled respondents of the universities. The general population for this study comprised all the categories of the universities in Ghana: public and private. The study established that the awareness, adoption and usage of e-learning to facilitate knowledge management (creation, processing, sharing and storage) at the universities were very high. In addition, there were adequate technology and infrastructure to support the e-learning at the universities. The study also established that the e-learning systems have benefited and enhanced teaching and learning at the universities. Despite these, the study established that the universities encountered some challenges in the implementation and usage of the e-learning systems. However, by implementing sound measures such as increasing the internet bandwidth; and providing adequate and functioning computers, these challenges can be solved.