a global community
Time: April 5, 2013 from 2:30pm to 5pm
Location: ILRI campus - Information Centre (as last time)
Street: Between Megenagna and Gurd Shola, right after Kaldi's (on the way to Gurd Shola)
City/Town: Addis Ababa
Website or Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?h…
Phone: 011 617 2463
Event Type: informal, get-together
Organized By: Ewen Le Borgne
Latest Activity: Apr 5, 2013
Possible topics of discussion include:
- A marketplace of 20 min where anyone can share any kind of update, event, document, idea etc. with one another - as a great way to get to know each other too. Please bring materials, PCs, CD-Roms etc. anything you need for a demonstration.
- A peer assist case from LIVES (Fanos) about getting updated content on the Ethiopian Agriculture Portal. And an update from Addis about his peer assist case and what worked out or not.
- A focused conversation on 'communities of practice' (Hermella).
- KM at... IPMS/LIVES (an ILRI project that has its specific staff and procedures so is almost like an organisation.).
Well Noticed.
Thank you Ewen
Sorry - we had to reschedule this event in conjunction with the African KM4Dev community week and as some of our presenters wouldn't be around.
I hope you can all make it!
RSVP as usual :)
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RSVP for KM4Dev Addis Ababa/Ethiopia - take 6 to add comments!
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