Core Group

KM4Dev is largely a volunteer effort. As we grew, it became clear that we needed some sort of governance group to support the community and help respond to its needs. Hence, the Core Group was created in May 2004.
The Core group interacts via a Dgroup --  km4dev-coregroup[AT] You can contact Core Group members at this address or by writing to contact[AT] 

All Core group meetings are documented hereMore information about the Core Group is available on the KM4Dev wiki.

Currently, the Core group consists of community members acting in a voluntary capacity as a steering committee for KM4Dev. Core group members contribute their time and energy towards supporting the needs of KM4Dev members and building the community. The Core group terms of reference are found here.

Current KM4Dev Core group members (with links to their respective page on this Ning)

are you a Core Group member? join us also here.

  1. Sophie Alvarez (back July 2017 from sabbatical in 2014), CIAT, Colombia
  2. Jorge Chavez-Tafur (since June 2019), CTA, Netherlands
  3. Andreas Brandner (since October 2016), KM_Associates, Austria
  4. Bruce Boyes (July 2022) RealKM Magazine, Australia
  5. Sarah Cummings (since October 2016), Netherlands
  6. Charles Dhewa  Knowledge Transfer Africa, Harare, Zimbabwe
  7. Helen Gillman, Italy
  8. Alok Goel (since January 2022), India
  9. Ginetta Gueli (since June 2020), Italy
  10. Gladys Kemboi (since June 2020), Kenya
  11. Maureen Kenga (since January 2022), Kenya
  12. Akel Meade (since January 2022), consultant, Trinidad and Tobago
  13. Christina Merl (since January 2022)
  14. Claire Mathonsi (since April 2022), Kenya
  15. Nana Nwachukwu (since April 2022), Nigeria
  16. Davide Piga UNFPA, Washington DC, USA
  17. Pier Andrea Pirani, (since 2014), Euforic Services, Malaysia
  18. Cesar Robles (since March 2020, before May-Dec 2017), Helvetas, Switzerland
  19. Jasmin Suministrado, UNICEF, Switzerland
  20. Reza Salim (since 2014), BFES-Amader Gram, Bangladesh 
  21. Rocio Sanz (since late 2017), Knowledge Broker Consultant, Geneva, Switzerland
  22. Toni Sittoni (since January 2021), consultant, Kenya
  23. Fitsum Tesfaye (since October 2016), FAO, Italy
  24. Alice Van der Elstraeten (since November 2020), IFAD, Italy
  25. Ilaria Urbani (since January 2021), IFAD, Italy
  26. Dydimus Zengenene (since December 2021)
  27. Chris Zielinski (since Sept 2017), consultant, UK

We would like to acknowledge the contributions made by former Core group members

Read more about the Core group on the KM4Dev wiki


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Comment by SENAME Atsu on September 14, 2017 at 1:13am
Bonjour à tous et à toutes. Je suis Responsable KM dans une Organisation internationale basée au Togo. J'aimerais mettre en place un projet de gestion des connaissance dans les domaine de la décentralisation et gouvernance locale et de l'agriculture au Togo pour les ONG nationales. Je suis à la recherche de partenaires ayant la même vision.
Comment by Hein Spingies on August 8, 2017 at 12:38pm

Dear fellow KM4Dev'ers,

Looking for assistance in benchmarking our KM Strategy at the Road Accident Fund in South Africa. We have implemented a KM Programme over the past 3 years and would like to review our strategy and focus. Anyone that can share with us some insights into your KM strategy, pitfalls as well as quick wins and successes?  Will really appreciate it!

Comment by Catherine Mumbi on March 7, 2017 at 9:33am


I am looking for an emergency advocacy strategy.Anyone who can help me..i will appreciate greatly.



Comment by ALFRED KWAKU ARMOOH on September 19, 2016 at 7:59pm

Hello ,can any one assist me get online course on Digital media?.Any info should be sent Thanks

Comment by Amouzou Bedi on May 16, 2016 at 7:50pm

Dear Km4Dev group,

Knowledge for Development Without Borders is looking for potential partners  who are willing to collaborate inline with  our Programme community learning centre:

Our approach and program:

Our official website:

Please send your message direct to:


Comment by Fraol Lemma Balcha on March 10, 2015 at 5:29am

Dear Km4Dev group,

I am a research student at Tokyo University of Agriculture. My main research is on the sustainability of Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) in Ethiopia. I couldn't able to access MIX database for raw data about Ethiopia, b/c it needs membership password. Is there anyone who can help me on this regard. Thank you.

Comment by Minu Mittal on November 5, 2014 at 1:19am

Has anyone build a staffing business case for a knowledge resource? Any inputs are welcome. Please post them here or e-mail me at

Comment by Agyemange on January 28, 2014 at 10:30am

Well done friends for a job well done

Comment by Ana Maria Ponce on January 9, 2014 at 6:22pm

I joined KM4Dev Core Group since 2007, after the meeting in Brussels   Please add this to the Core Group Page besides my name. Thank you.

Comment by Nadia Sayeed on May 28, 2013 at 10:49am

Hi and Salams, 

I just joined this page , before that i was on "".It's really good to have this platform to join the specific sector colleagues, friends, workers . Here i am with my little expertise in WASH specially hygiene promotion.I would love to join u all for the CAUSE!! depending upon my capabilities which best suites according to the need either as core group member or volunteer.


skype: nadiaxiri   email:

Comment by Zweli Ndayi on February 19, 2013 at 1:37pm

Hi guys...I have just joined the group and I need some advice. I work for a Financial/insurance company and I have been given a concept to establish KM in the R and D unit. With my little knowledge of the subject I felt this would be the correct platform for advice. Would any of you send me a KM strategy that I can model with? I have recently sent a request to IT for Enterprise Content Management - KM portal and I have been requested to submit a business requirement document. Would you have a template of such? please respond to

Comment by BENJAMIN ABUGRI on January 7, 2013 at 12:59pm

Greetings colleagues and thanks for accepting me on board. I will need some templates or information to help me design a KM policy for my organization. I am new in the KM community and looking up for your support to work effectively. Thanks

Comment by Lucie Lamoureux on March 20, 2012 at 11:37am

Dear all,

Apologies for the non-response to those who have offered support. The new Core Group terms of reference have just been drafted and sent to the KM4dev discussion group (please join the email discussion if you haven't done so, this is where the interaction is!) :

As mentioned in the ToR, you don't have to be on the Core group to be an active member of KM4Dev. You can still take initiatives and volunteer to take the lead on activities, if you find the Core group responsibilities are too much.

I will be writing to follow-up with those who still are interested in being on the Core group, and those who would like to volunteer for individual activities.

Comment by G.D.Satish Kumar on August 25, 2011 at 12:39pm
I fully support Naina for the core group membership.
Comment by Naina Pandita on July 26, 2011 at 11:28am
I do not see a representative from Asia.  With my expertise, I would request that I am considered as a core group member.
Comment by Anwar Dafa-Alla on June 28, 2011 at 10:59pm
Hi, I'm glad to be here.
Comment by ALEJANDRO BALANZO on May 11, 2011 at 10:56pm
Hi everyone, I am willing to help the core group.
Comment by John Smith on April 16, 2011 at 7:18pm

I would really like to encourage everyone in the core group (or people who have retired from the core group) to participate in CPsquare's "field trip"... it will be a great opportunity to learn about KM4Dev history and learning dynamics.  Here's more information about the event:


Drop me a line at if you'd like more details.  Thanks!

Comment by Shaibal Barua on November 11, 2010 at 3:46am
I will like to share about market system development for small and poor farmer and rural producers. i am new member of the site. i am happy to join in the knowledge community.I cordialy invite to all to share with me.
Comment by Martin V Burrows Jr. on September 8, 2010 at 1:56am
I would like to join the core group.

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