Version 2 of Agenda Knowledge for Development (18 January 2017) is now available. 

Agenda Knowledge for Development, with its 13 Knowledge Development Goals, is designed to complement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by providing an integrated approach to knowledge-related challenges that directly influence the achievement of the SDGs. It presents a vision of the societal and economic value of knowledge in which the transformational power of knowledge can be harnessed for the development of inclusive, pluralistic knowledge societies. We consider that knowledge is indispensable to individuals, communities, enterprises, governments and the global community, and is thus an intrinsic part of sustainable development.

The Agenda has been developed by an international coalition of civil society organisations, enterprises and academics, initiated and led by Knowledge Management Austria, which have developed a common vision on how knowledge can contribute to and underpin the ambitions of the SDGs. This current version is work in progress. It was initially based on 50 statements, written by individuals with different societal and regional backgrounds. They have demonstrated the diversity of aspects involved. Any reader of this 2nd edition is invited to contribute by additional statements and comments. Any reflected step forward is expected to improve the design of this Agenda.

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Dear Sarah,

Thank you for sharing the agenda. Many congratulations to team working on it. Agenda is quite robust and inclusive of almost all SDGs. I think, we should also incorporate M&E framework for KM interventions.



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