a global community
This guide was developed by ILRI on behalf of AfricaAdapt and, as mentioned on the relevant AfricaAdapt web page, it is "A guide to understanding various different types of social media, and their potential role in accessing and sharing knowledge on climate change adaptation in Africa. It offers practical advice on sharing, accessing and exchanging climate change knowledge from and about Africa, using social media. It is by no means exhaustive, but it is a good place to begin the journey of exploring social media. This guide is suitable for researchers, civil society practitioners or information intermediaries working on climate change in Africa as well as anyone with a particular interest in social media."
The PDF version is the trimmed down version of the guide which was originally developed on a wiki with much more comprehensive information and resources.
The guide is available at: http://www.africa-adapt.net/themes/11/resources/834/theme/
And the fuller (wiki-based) version on: http://socialmediaguideafrica.wikispaces.com
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