PREPARATION (before the day)

  • (Preferably right after the previous event): Create an event on KM4Dev Ning with all details for the next gathering;
  • Promote that event on the KM4Dev Ethiopia/Addis Facebook group and on whatever relevant networks and social media;
  • Send it to all contacts shortly after the previous gathering, one week before the gathering and possibly with a final reminder on the day;
  • Chase resource persons to prepare specific ‘sessions’ in the gathering at least 2-3 weeks before the event takes place;
  • Provide guidance for their session inputs (e.g. comments on presentations, explanations about the process of a peer assist);
  • If the gathering’s taking place at ILRI, inform ILRI security about the names of the (external) people expected to come to the ILRI campus;
  • Book a room and mention it on the Google Calendar ‘Events at ILRI’;
  • Organise booking of coffee/tea and biscuits;




  • Decide on the order of the sessions and whether the sessions need to be facilitated;
  • Update and print out the sign indicating to participants where the gathering takes place;
  • Print out and bring the brochure explaining what KM4Dev Ethiopia/Addis is all about;
  • If applicable, bring about river of life sheets for participants to introduce themselves;
  • Print out an attendance sheet and get it filled out by all participants;



  • Welcome everyone and introduce the agenda, the order of sessions etc;
  • Make sure someone is there to document every session;
  • During the meeting, get someone to take pictures;
  • Give a brief recap at the end;
  • Identify possible resource persons (and session topics) for the next gathering;
  • Identify a good date for the next gathering;
  • If time allows, proceed with a short assessment of what worked or didn’t in this gathering;



  • Add a resource to the KM4Dev Addis group with the title ‘Notes from the Xth get-together (dates) where you write all notes - Tag it properly and add pictures to liven it up, possibly putting pictures on a FlickR collection before. Link to Slideshare presentations and whatever other relevant resources;
  • Create an event on KM4Dev Ning with all details for the next gathering (see PREPARATION above);
  • Share the link to the minutes and the link to the new gathering on the Facebook group and other networks/social media applicable;
  • Update the master list of contacts (XL spreadsheet and mailing list on Word) and list of participants who came to the gathering;
  • Update the PPT presentation about the network with (1-slide) summary from this gathering and programme for the next gathering;

Views: 226

Replies to This Discussion

Thanks Ewen, this is helpful.

Mostly for me for now ;) But the idea is that it may become helpful for anyone doing it in the future (instead of me)...


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