Technology for KM4DeV


Technology for KM4DeV

A room to discuss lessons learned and practical advices on how to choose and use the available technologies.

Members: 65
Latest Activity: Dec 14, 2020


SharePoint for KM 2 Replies

I am no fan of Microsoft's products, and at the beginning I thought that SharePointwas one of its biggest blunders... but now I find it to be especiallywell-suited to create a collaborative space.…Continue

Tags: low, bandwidth, intranet, collaboration, website

Started by Gabriele. Last reply by Ramavhoya Norton Jun 26, 2013.

Community Technology Learning Lab (CTLab)

A Community Technology Learning Lab (CTLab) is currently underway in a subgroup of KM4Dev's email group at DGroups to…Continue

Started by Mark Hammersley Jul 24, 2012.

Survey on Virtual communities of practice (VCoPs) knowledge sharing

Dear Km4dev members:This is to humbly remind you to participate in the survey on knowledgesharing within VCoPs. I will really appreciate if you take a few of yourminutes to fill in the questionnarire…Continue

Started by Hermon Ogbamichael Apr 27, 2011.


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Comment by Gaurav Singh on August 9, 2017 at 1:45pm

Hi everyone, I'm pleased to share a resource with the group members of Technology for KM4Dev. We at SocialCops have recently launched a free online course on Planning for Data Collection that will help you master the basic concepts, tools and tips you need to create a stellar data collection plan. 

This course includes extensive video lectures, text resources and a worksheet to help you plan better for your data collection. 

What will you learn in this course?

  • Build a framework for your data collection exercise
  • Understand what data you need to collect
  • Measure the cost of your data collection exercise
  • Learn about the benefits of mobile-based data collection
  • Choose between different mobile-based data collection tools
  • Evaluate budgetary, technology and logistical factors involved

With this course, you will be able to build a robust data collection plan, which will help you capture data about your program, monitor its performance and measure its impact.

Sign up for the course here

Know someone who would find this course useful? Share it with them on LinkedInTwitter or Facebook.

Comment by Mark Hammersley on July 24, 2012 at 3:20pm
[cross-posted from KM4Dev-l email list]
Over 50 members of KM4Dev have been part of the Community Technology Learning Lab (CTLab) to reflect on our experience of technology stewardship in development.  We have started to compile key ideas and good practices in a wiki based report: 
Next week we are going on to work through a major case study that will help us to further refine our understanding and practice.  We will be looking closely at technology stewardship in KM4Dev. 
Do join us if would like to share your experience of using technology in KM4Dev or learn more about technology stewardship generally. 

So what is Technology Stewardship about? Email, web technologies, social media and low cost communications tools enable distributed groups of people to “meet”, collaborate and learn together in new ways. Technology stewardship is about helping communities and networks to make effective use of the tools that are available to them. Although it is possible to think of it as a distinct responsibility, we found that group leaders/coordinators typically practice technology stewardship alongside other leadership tasks such as facilitation. You do not need to be a technical expert and this is not about being your group’s IT department. It is much more about helping to maintain the health and vitality of your community/network by understanding the way members collaborate and learn together, and matching tools to activities.

The Community Technology Learning Lab (CTLab) is underway through June and July to raise awareness of what is technology stewardship and how it can be approached. We are exploring key characteristics of technology stewardship in development by reflecting on participants’ experiences in the identification and use of technologies to support collaboration and learning in networks and communities. More at:

To join in and learn more please sign up to the CTLab group at, or send a blank email to

Comment by Dr Paradza Paradza on August 26, 2011 at 10:22am
With technology now pervading every aspect of our lives, how can we protect the vulnerable security wise. Some people use technology blindly and the effects of such are devastating. Some cannot afford security software and hardware. There is need to educate users of dangers of technology if used blindly. Of late there are mesages churned out of internet congratulating people that they have won certain amounts and they need to do certain steps to claim their prizes. With poverty all over some people fall prey to such gimmicks.
Comment by Shubham Nagar on February 1, 2011 at 5:45am

For Knowledge Management our experience with Open Source has been particularly gratifying. We have developed Open source integrated platforms for Knowledge Management in particular for International Development and AID management. Using JCR Content repository standards implementation of "Knowledge Networks" and "Spaces" around Communities of Practices is possible. Collaboration can be just a pattern on top of it all in the form of a social network or similar collaboration themes. One other element of KM using open source is semanticaly enhanced search algorithms that are tuned to search knowledg products. Moreover a lot of "mailing list" discussions can be captured into a open standard dynamic repository and then converted into searchable knowledge products such as community updates or firmed up replies or even reports.

So open source choice does exist and it is not neccessary to go down a sharepoint route. Infact sharepoint in my opinion is an older and more cumbersome and costly technology.




Comment by Mehmet Korkmaz on January 28, 2011 at 4:34pm

Hello Everyone,

First of all I would like to thank Gabriele for creating this group. Choosing the right technology can be quite challenging in KM activities. Therefore, I would like to ask you for your advise on the following:

We are currently working on a capacity development project in Southeast Asia and will be training local partners in food security issues (online and f2f). The blended learning programme starts with a two-week online course and is followed by a one week f2f-training. Our facilitation team consists also of a photographer who captures workshop activities and outcomes in order to create a photo documentation of the training. After the workshop is completed, participants obtain the photo documentation and can retrieve any necessary information they need. Unfortunately there has been a few issues like legibility of material and time-consuming process of compiling material and hence delay in sending out the documentation to participants.

We are now exploring new ways of workshop documentation which we can also use for our online learning programmes. Are there any tools that could replace our photo documentation besides high-tech flip charts and whiteboards?

I am looking forward to your comments on this.


Comment by Daan Boom on October 30, 2010 at 9:25am
We have implemented Sharepoint late 2008 and have explored its functionalities by doing and experimenting. One of the advantages we found of SP is its relatively low costs of the out of the box application, especially when you are already a user of the windows environment. We found it relatively easy to implement and build specific business applications without the help of external consultants. Its true that if you want to design your own user interface, more advanced functionalities you may need external consultants to build and customize . Happy to make my contribution to the discussions and share our experiences with SP in this group!
Comment by Gabriele on October 28, 2010 at 2:23pm
Hi Peter,

You are absolutely right! There are too many new things to keep an eye on, and I hope that the wisdom of the crowd will help us. Even on well established products, like SharePoint, there can be many things to consider... but let's get started with its cost.

SharePoint is clearly expensive, since you have to pay the licenses, and you probably need to hire highly-paid consultants. Open Source solutions, on the other hand, are entirely free, usually they are not very hard to setup, and in my experience consultants do not charge you so much. I think that the reason for it is that the learning curve for SharePoint is way steeper than for an Open Source system (the latter are developed by those who use them, and if the solution is mature the community creates the documentation, too). However, the ROI may still be in favour of SharePoint. (By the way, since I joined the project when SharePoint was already part of it, all these consideratons are entirely my own.)

For the end user, SharePoint is quite simple to use, and if a system is easier to use than another, I can reduce the time it takes me to train the users, and the help desk will receive less requests. If, for example, the training takes one hour less, we are saving 40000 hours, and we do not need to hire new people for the helpdesk. For us, it pays itself just with the hard ROI, the part that is easy to calculate.

Also, a simpler, faster (eg: save to a document library is just like saving it to a folder) system is more likely to be accepted, hence the benefits are higher, and capturing knowledge from the field workers is one of the main purposes of our project. (We are currently looking at third-party solutions to allow easy access from low bandwidth areas, too.)

On top of this, we have the opportunity cost of having the integration with MS Office, and all the other features.

For a large organization, with an internal team of developers, I think it can be very cost-effective. For a smaller, one, this may not be the case. A partnership may be a way to go, if you think it may be flexible enough, or you could also search for organization willing to create and mantain the service for you (and I do not see why we wouldn't!)
Comment by Peter J. Bury on October 28, 2010 at 8:38am
Thanks Gabriele for starting this potentially very useful discussion. I like your 'close to your heart', though I'm not sure about the first one (on Sharepoint).
Why and this comes to my biggest problem, being an adventurist and hence interested in discovering new things that may be responses to my needs: the rate of emergence of new applications on ever new platforms is so immense that it's virtually impossible to follow them all. One has to rely on other trusted experience and discovering those takes time as well. Not forgetting that each context of realities is different almost every time!

On Sharepoint my perception is that it is expensive and requires an organizational and probably in the IRC (WASH) case (my organization) a multi-organizational / partnership based decision?

Comment by Gabriele on October 27, 2010 at 6:24pm
Dear Shariful,

It is great to have your words as a baptism of this new group! I believe that a KM practitioner _needs_ to know what tools are available to be more effective, but also to be able to calculate the ROI of a KM strategy.

I look forward to everybody's contribution, and I will do my best to jump start the discussion about some topics that are close to mye heart: Sharepoint for KM, Mobile KM, what you need in a website for an effective KM, and low bandwidth design (the wiki page needs an update). I would love to see sections about managing taxonomies, social networking tools, and data mining, too, but anybody is welcome to contribute!
Comment by Md. Shariful Alam on October 26, 2010 at 11:07am
'KM4Dev' is a new as a word. But knowledge is used for development from the beginning of stone age. Now mass communication and information technology are reaching almost everywhere in this planet. Digital divide is getting thinner every day and we are not living in an individual country. We are now living in a big village; the Global Village. When I am writing this article and share my feelings with Mr. Gabriele (and others who join this group) with the help of technology and join a discussion group "Technology for KM4Dev", it represent and describe the glory of technology that will accelerate the KM4Dev. Thanks Gabriele. I am looking foreword to here from you...

Members (65)


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