Social Web/Web 2.0, Collaborative Technologies, Information Management, Change Management, KM Strategies, Evaluating and Monitoring KM
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Other Interests
Introduction of New Technologies as an alternative teaching process and the design of new curriculum plans for the open and d-Learning. The education of immigrant ethnic minorities focusing on the gifted and talented students and aim to advance the theory and technology of natural language and knowledge processing, especially semantic analysis that bridges the gap between language and knowledge, by the novel use of both machine learning and inference methods
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Hello,How are you today,My name is Miss Zahlee George. I am a single girl, i like your good profile I saw in this site ( i will like to have a good relationship with you,I know that you will grant my request in good faith and understanding. please contact me through my personal email ( for more information including my picture,i also have something very important to discuss with you. Thank you and God bless you yours Miss Zahlee George
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Hello,How are you today,My name is Miss Zahlee George. I am a single girl, i like your good profile I saw in this site ( i will like to have a good relationship with you,I know that you will grant my request in good faith and understanding. please contact me through my personal email ( for more information including my picture,i also have something very important to discuss with you. Thank you and God bless you
yours Miss Zahlee George