a global community
Time: March 18, 2015 from 12pm to 2pm
Location: Online :: http://www.a-i-a.com/k-net
Website or Map: http://www.a-i-a.com/k-net
Phone: Skype = Applied-Intelligence
Event Type: open, conversation, on, a, virtual, coworking, space
Organized By: Joel Muzard
Latest Activity: Mar 13, 2015
We are currently discussing about:
How do we create and innovate today , in the new context of agile collaborative knowledge networks, ecologies and ecosystems, neuropsychology developments and real time ?
What do we need today to create and innovate ?
What do we need to create in a real-time co-working virtual space ?
What is important for us now ?
What we can do to move toward to what is important to us now ?
Please, participate and co-construct with participants a shared web of ideas on a visual interactive screen, in real time. It is really fun to see the new knowledge to emerge from the silent work of the group.
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