a global community
The Agenda Knowledge for Development is an initiative of a number of people in and outside of KM4Dev that wish to put knowledge and knowledge management more central in the process of achieving the SDGs (Sustainability Development Goals).
The Agenda and its related set of proposed Knowledge Development Goals (KDG) will be central during the scheduled Knowledge for Development Global Partnership Conference 3-4 April 2017 in Geneva.
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Website: http://www.k4dev.knowledge.city
Location: planet earth
Members: 31
Latest Activity: Oct 6, 2023
Leadership in kids by equipping them with security measures/precautions to overcome human trafficking issue.Continue
Started by Mampoetsi Makhoali. Last reply by Tefo Moduke Sep 17, 2018.
I do NOT want to get the Agenda modified now, since we need a stable version which is the one Andreas issued. Nevertheless I would bring in some points forward to our discussion, potentially also to…Continue
Tags: KDGs, SDGs, Knowledge, Agenda
Started by Guenter Koch Jan 29, 2017.
As background to the Agenda Knowledge for Development, there has been an initiative to collect statements reflecting personal visions of future Knowledge Societies, the Agenda Knowledge for…Continue
Started by SarahCummings Jan 27, 2017.
The world cafe at the Annual Knowledge for Development Summit, held on 14 October 2016, was focused on Version 1.0 of the Agenda Knowledge for Development. The 'table cloth notes' have now been…Continue
Started by SarahCummings. Last reply by Facilitator KM4Dev Jan 23, 2017.
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Bonjour à tous depuis le Togo en Afrique Francophone
Dear Andres Many thanks for your response, which I am now viewing late. I do apologize.
Further to my initial request, I realize that Su h an initiative cannot be undertaken by an individual dependent Consultant, so I am asking my former employer rsanatan@gmail.com the Caribbean Development Bank headquartered in Barbados to follow thru with this. But I certainly wish to remain part of the process. I am a loss going to contact UNDP here in Port of Spain to be part of whatever sensitivity needs to be undertaken here in the Caribbean. This long OVERDUE. Cheers and let's keep the dialogue going.
Dear Wendy,
initiating a K4D Partnership in the Carribean is great and needed. Do you know some People with whom you could do this together? Being a team will help you to be successful. We are currently creating a process recommendation to set up a Knowledge Partnership, we´ll inform you when it is ready. In the meantime let´s talk on skype.
i would like to be kept updated on sectors related to Climate Change and Sustainable Development. I would appreciate some ideas on how to mount a KM4Dev here in the Caribbean. This would deepen the Agenda for Development in our Region - a region that has had little exposure to the issues surrounding K4Dev.
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