Leadership and Organizational Learning - Change of Date

Event Details

Leadership and Organizational Learning - Change of Date

Time: October 11, 2010 at 6pm to October 15, 2010 at 7pm
Location: Nairobi
Street: PCEA Conference Centre - South C
City/Town: Nairobi
Website or Map: http://www.cafs.org
Event Type: course
Organized By: Jonathan Stuart Spangler
Latest Activity: Sep 15, 2010

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Event Description

For public and private sector agencies to improve their programmes and services, strategies and systems for learning and internalizing best practices and lessons learnt must be in place. Agencies in the non-profit sector are extremely “knowledge intensive” and rely heavily not only on the knowledge of their employees but the collective knowledge of the organization. Public and private sector agencies that become “learning organizations” are constantly innovating their products and services, viewing knowledge as a currency, and have human resource policies and procedures that staff the agency time and resources. Learning organizations systematically analyze their programs and services, thrive on change, and low knowledge loss from staff turnover. Making the transformation to a learning organization requires not only a commitment from the top management of the agency, but also the leadership skills that are needed to manage change.

This one-week course focuses on turning individual knowledge into organizational knowledge and how to create systems and policies to solve problems and improve programme impact.

Course Focus
- The concept and principles of organizational learning
- Mitigating the impact of staff turnover
- Transforming individual knowledge into organizational knowledge
- Harnessing the knowledge and experience of employees
- Systems and procedures for identifying and sharing promising practices and lessons learned.
- External environment Analysis
- Organizational knowledge creation and policy change
- Change Management

Course Objectives
At the end of this course, participants will be able to
- Discuss the benefits of organizational learning;
- Develop procedures for mainstreaming individual knowledge into organizational knowledge.
- Conduct an environmental scan or situation analysis.
- Develop procedures and systems for creating knowledge and changing policy
- Manage the change from an average organization/agency to a learning organization/agency
- Measure a knowledge management strategy for impact.

This course is designed for senior personnel of non-profit organizations; including civil society organizations, donor agencies, foundations, state and federal ministries and international development agencies

US$ 1,000

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