Learning and Innovation in NGOs (London Meeting)

Event Details

Learning and Innovation in NGOs (London Meeting)

Time: September 17, 2009 to September 18, 2009
Location: London
Website or Map: http://www.lingos.org
Phone: 1 541 550 8930
Event Type: innovation, fair
Organized By: Linda English
Latest Activity: Jul 17, 2009

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Event Description

Innovations in Learning in International NGOs
LINGOs and NPOKI Fall Meetings

LINGOs (Learning for International NGOs) and NPOKI (NonProfit Organizations Knowledge Initiative) are co-hosting a two-day meeting to focus on major innovations in learning across the international NGO sector. These meetings will contain two thought-provoking key note presentations that will lead into practical solutions from a variety of international NGOs. The two keynotes will be as follows:

Technology Assisted Learning: a keynote from Clive Shepherd from Fastrak Consulting. Clive is a consultant specializing in e-learning, blended learning and communications. He works with a broad range of public and private sector organizations, helping them to effectively harness the benefits of technology for workplace learning.

Learning as a Driver for Improvements in Organizational Efficiency and Effectiveness: A keynote from Sue Todd from Corporate University Exchange. Sue works as an advisor to Global 2000 organizations on all aspects of designing learning strategies, monitoring the impact of learning and development on business performance, and implementing enterprise-wide learning technology infrastructures.

The format for sharing across international NGOs will be as follows:

Innovation Fair from LINGOs and NPOKI Member Agencies: Members will focus on learning opportunities and tools used to support organizational goals and objectives and to improve the effectiveness and efficiencies of programs. This will be highly interactive session, allowing individuals to interact with each other and drill down into the specifics of various solutions.

Member agencies of LINGOs include over 40 international NGOs: Save the Children, Habitat for Humanity, The Nature Conservancy, Care International, Mercy Corps, World Wildlife Federation, Wildlife Conservation Society, World Vision International, Catholic Relief Services, Plan International, Oxfam, etc. (A complete list along with access to their learning portals can be found at: http://ngolearning.org/aboutlingos/memberagencies/default.aspx).

NPOKI members include that organizations are at the forefront of providing access to safe and affordable health services globally, including a focused response to the spread of HIV/AIDS. They can be found at: http://www.npoki.org

Who Should Attend: Chief Learning Officers, Learning and Development Directors, Knowledge Management Professionals, Senior Learning Advisors, Chief Information Officers, and Chief Technology Officers who work for international NGOs. (If your organization is not a member of LINGOs or NPOKI, you will be invited to participate on a space available basis.)

Cost: US$ 200

To register: Registration is required. Please visit: http://ngolearning.org/fall2009meeting/default.aspx Exact venue information will be provided to registered participants.

Format of the Meetings: These meetings will be highly interactive and participatory, allowing individuals time to network and share experiences.

What is LINGOs?
LINGOs is a consortium of 40+ international NGOs that share learning resources and experiences. By providing the latest learning technologies and courses from our partners, LINGOs helps these non profits to increase the skill levels of their employees. To learn more about how your organization can benefit from LINGOs, go to www.lingos.org.

Questions About These Meetings? Go to http://ngolearning.org/fall2009meeting/default.aspx or contact Linda English from LINGOs at Linda@lingos.org .

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